Chapter 12: We've Got Bigger Problems

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"Do you think she's going to wake up soon?"

"Shush Shelly. Let her be."

A circle of faces bordered my line of sight. Their expressions ranged upon a variety of emotions.

Groaning, I sat up as the edges of sleep washed away. When plush cushions grazed my skin I gaped. I was on a couch, in the middle of a room.

"Just let her get up," I looked to the speaker, recognizing Danny Solway; he was flanked by four others.

"Where am I?" I asked no one in particular.

"That's classified information; you are however, in the Glass Room. This place is yours, to share of course, with the other seven. Occasionally, I come in here to visit as well."

I ran through a check-list as I pushed off the sofa. One, I was in my uniform. Two, my hidden weapons were still intact. Three, this room was about the size of werewolf HQ, with an additional room for sleeping. Four, there was one-way glass encircling the room. Five, there were no escape routes. Six, my left breast pocket remained empty; Danver still had my prophecy.

"Looking for this?" Danny waved the piece of paper like a flag.

"Only to burn the blasted thing," I responded diplomatically.

This was probably another trust game. Don't attack the rebel prince, and you'll be in the good books.

"That's not what I seem to recall back in the cells. You fought hard for this."

"I fought for the safety of my pack mate."

"Still, take it. It does us no good."

He threw it at me; I knew that the paper would fall short. We both did. So, I cast a Levato spell and the paper fluttered into my hands. Danny's friends looked in awe. I could imagine the rebel researchers behind the glass, hurriedly writing down observations. Well, if they want a show, I'll give it to them.

I turned to the one way glass, hoping there were scientists behind it. "Do you want to see something cool? You're in luck, it's exactly one week after the full moon."

Surrendering to my wolf, I shifted. Once into my tan and black form, I padded over to Danny. Two sorcerers behind him immediately went to defend him; their palms ignited with flame.

I sat on my haunches, tipping my head in challenge to the rebel. Tentatively, he reached a hand forward and patted my head. Now with a bridge of trust formed, I turned to the two sorcerers.  

"May I have those fireballs?" I projected to all five rebels.

One of the sorcerers sucked in a breath, "I think she just projected to me."

Cheekily, I nodded. My heightened senses allowed me to hear the scratching of pens behind the glass. The sorcerer who had spoken tossed me two fireballs. Using my tail, I captured the element.

I played with the fire, swirling it around, changing its size, intensity, and colours. More pens scratching met this.

Then, I transformed the element into a large dragon. It zoomed around the room, before coming back, letting out a loud roar.

When I released the fire, it exploded in a shower of harmless sparks. I shifted back as the sparks rained down on me.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I bowed to the scattered applause from around the room and through the glass.  I turned to Danny. "Please tell me there were people on this side, it would be dreadful if they were all over there." I pointed across the room.

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