Chapter 23: It's Official. She's a Ninja

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"Everybody up! Quick! They're getting closer!"

It took me a moment to register the warning. When I did, my eyes widened. In a flash, my hand was armed with a dagger.

A grunt beside me brought my attention to an unkempt looking Boe. He was blinking away the last remnants of slumber. The others were barely keeping themselves awake.

Abandoning my bleary-eyed Imperials, I scrambled to Neo and Henry, who had been on watch. Above, Lady Luna shone brightly, allowing me to see clearly in the darkness.

Peering over the ledge, I saw the dark clad rebel soldiers, perfectly camouflaged in the night. White lights danced from the cover of the trees, inching alarmingly closer by the second.

"Oh, Luna's domain!" I cursed; frantically the three of us shook the others to awaken them, whispering the urgency of the situation in their ears.

Ten minutes after the initial warning, everyone was packed and gathered.

Shelly led the conversation, "The longer and shorter routes are East and West of here. Use the moon or the Sun to guide you. Our rendezvous point is the willow.

Wolves, head West through the pine and aspen forests until you get to the river. Cross it, and then follow upstream until you find a path leading to an abandoned cottage.

Stay on that trail, the willow should be nearby; the road is further ahead."

The wolves nodded their heads, trying to remember the directions.

"Got it. Pine forest, Aspen forest, cross river, upstream, path to abandoned cottage, stay on the trail, and willow." Brooke recited perfectly.

"Both groups should be at the willow by three days' time. By the end of the third day, if a group isn't there, assume the worst. Regardless of who's there and who isn't, catch a ride out." Shelly's face went serious, "Good luck. We'll see you there."

With nothing else to add, everyone bid their farewells. Shelly clapped a hand on each of the wolves' shoulders, murmuring her well wishes.

When she slapped her hand on my shoulder, I felt a sharp pain as she hit me. I guess I'd misunderstood her strength.

We began our descent down the cliff and to the forest floor. From our camp, we could see the pine forest, hidden between the tall crowns of oak and aspen trees. Our journey led us towards Lady Luna; each wolf said their own silent prayer, asking her to bless our travels.

"Rebels to the right," Soren cautioned.

In response to the threat, we each picked a sturdy tree to climb. Shrouded by the leaves and branches, we continued our trek to the pine forest from above. Lithe and light footed, we were careful not to disturb the branches as we transferred from tree to tree.

We could hear the rebel wolves. They had caught our scent, and were softly baying and howling.

Soon, they would reach us. So we quickened our pace. My werewolf speed was awoken, an enchanting moment, as the world slowed and I became as fast as sound.

Jumping from my perch, I continued my run on foot. I darted into stray bushes and looped around random plants to throw off my trail. My wolf companions did the same, as we tore through the main forest.

"I have four wolf scents!" A voice carried from behind us.

"There's only three."

"No, I have five."

Boe had a sorcerer's smirk on his face. I was sure that my expression mirrored his.

Then, two wolves exploded from the undergrowth on both sides. Another appeared in front, bringing our sprint to a screeching halt. Three more wolves, accompanied by an armed man each, brought up the rear.

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