Chapter 7: Of Letters, Words, and Rhymes

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All students were dismissed for an early lunch after the attack. I met up with a relieved looking Brooke in the cafeteria. My eyes were still puffy as she hugged me.

I felt empty inside and didn't bother returning the gesture. How could I have threatened a life so easily?

She dragged me over to the large table, where food had already been piled high on everyone's plates. When my fellow pack members took in my state, they gave sympathetic looks. I knew it wouldn't last though; soon rumors would travel to their ears.

"Mae looks terrible. Though it is her first attack so I don't blame her."

"Are you kidding? She was completely black widow commando during math class!"

And so it began.

Boe was silent during lunch, no doubt contemplating my actions. Mike was darting occasional glances at me. His probing eyes were unbearable. Brooke was completely oblivious to the conversations about me and the cautious stares I got from the room.

Or at least I thought she was, before she whispered, "So I heard what happened. I was wondering why the rebels left without warning."

I would be lying if I said everyone hadn't tuned into our conversation.

My eyes narrowed. I needed to know one thing, "They didn't take anyone?"

"Well, I'm not sure about the overall numbers. But my entire pack is accounted for."

She got silence as a response. My eyes flickered over to the Head Dias, where the teachers were eating. Their conversation, led by my math teacher, was hushed and hurried.

Then the Headmistress rose from her chair, hitting a glass with her fork to get everybody's attention. Stand tall Mae, everything will be fine.

Clearing her throat she addressed the students, "It is no secret that the school has fallen victim to another rebel attack.....and so close since the last one."

I felt Brooke tense up beside me.

"There were no casualties or kidnappings. We are still debating as a staff, as to why the rebels left before doing any real damage." She looked at me; I froze. "We have a few leads, but we would like to investigate further before making any decisions. Since we will be busying doing that, classes are suspended for the day. Everyone please remain indoors and travel in groups. Do not hesitate to call in an emergency. That is all."

Brooke stood abrupt, the pack followed in her wake. As she exited the cafeteria, I blatantly looked at the vampires, watching for any funny movements. The vampires stared back, expressions of shock, admiration, and fear overtook their faces. Suppressing a huff, I flicked my hair over my shoulder and ignored them.

I had business elsewhere.

After locating the Slienci tables, I blinked at Dennis, splitting my soul. "Meet me in the library, five minutes."

Boe had mentioned once that the three floored library was Slienci HQ. I felt confident that the Slienci would show up when on familiar ground.

"Hey Alpha, I'm just going to the bathroom," I lied, excusing myself.

Boe looked over his shoulder as I rounded the corner, a quizzical expression on his face. I was clearly not going in the direction of the closest ladies' room. No matter, I could make up an excuse later.

To my surprise, the library was empty. I spun in place, confused. But my loneliness was short lived when someone cleared their throat behind me. Dennis stood there, flanked by two burly Slienci. Whispers of clothing on the other floors and the scuffling of shoes on hardwood suggested that the four of us weren't alone.

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