Chapter 6: Shattered Oaths

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Boe and I looped the track multiple times during the training session. Jogging with him was a brutal task. Mid-way into our run, I discovered that Boe was a decorated track star. His endurance was sky high. By the time we finished our laps, I was wheezing. Sir Smirksalot's chest was heaving. But at least he didn't look like a train wreck!

"That," I gagged as I formulated the words, "was my first mistake: running with you."

The cheeky skin-walker only laughed in response.

At the end of training, the Alpha called, "Nice work, tomorrow we're practicing team attacks, so don't forget your Battle Gauntlets if you need them. Dismissed."

The pack went their separate ways.


Brooke had retired to her room shortly after curfew. I could hear soft snoring next door.

But I was wide awake. The events of today flitted in my conscious. Soon, my pink and purple laptop was sitting on my desk, starting a video call. By the third ring, the excited face of my eleven-year-old brother appeared on screen.

"Hey sis!" His mop of black hair bobbed up and down. I could see the craving in his eyes for details about my experiences thus far, "Tell me everything."

So I did. The little guy soaked it all in like a sponge. Later, the ocean blue eyes of Captain James appeared behind my brother. I had always found James' eyes fascinating.

My stories were repeated for our newcomer's benefit. In exchange, they told me about their days; everyone back home had gone into a frenzy because of the constant threat of Southern Rebels.

I assured them of my safety; they promised to pass on the message to the higher ups. After some small talk, we ended the call.

My last memory of the day was dropping into bed like a sack of bricks.


Rapping on my bedroom door awoke me. Groaning, I invited my roommate in, blocking my ears with a pillow.

"Morning Mae!" Brooke flounced into my room. "Let's go, training at 7:30am."

"Is that the only thing you say? Training?" My voice was almost inaudible through layers of down. I opened one eye to see an accusing LED display, 6:00am.

"I'm just trying to take advantage of the moon light; the pack has more energy near the full moon."

Breakfast was hosted by Mike and Boe, the scent of bacon and sausages helped to alleviate the troubles of morning. I had to hand it to them, the boys knew their way around a kitchen. By the time our morning routine was done, we had fifteen minutes to spare.


Let me get this clear: the pack is lethal as a unit. Team attacks involved dispatching one sub-pack as an attack force, saving one for a defensive counterattack, and using the last one as a relief patrol. Alpha was ruthless in her coaching, imposing drill upon drill without pause.

I could soon tell the difference between the three packs. Lyn's Gamma pack was comprised of lithe wolves, with noses like blood hounds. Their job was to scout ahead and report back to Brooke. They were usually the first to lead attack charges.

In contrast, Sylvia's Beta pack had tall, broad, and buffer wolves; they were clear fighters. Beta pack was all muscle, and the second-wave in an attack. Gamma pack would rush in, locate all the enemies, and engage; while Beta pack would go in for the kill.

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