Guilt? Over what? GUILT!

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In the front seat.

I had fun with Yanzy and Mia, we played together and he cooked me food, he was such a lovely person. I loved spending time with him, but I don't know it didn't feel right. It was Michael's best friend kind of thing. Mia's mum came round and took her home, so it was me and him watching Scream.

“Omg the way I love this film.” He laughed. I screwed him and turned to the screen and screamed.

“CHANGE THE CHANNEL YANZY MAN!” I screamed about to cry. He started laughing and put it on BBC ONE and we watched the news.

“Ahh David Cameron's getting old, watch his hairline from 2009 and look now, and he's getting old man lines near his mouth, all that rioting and bullying we're doing is getting to him. It's sad alie?” I just looked at him quietly and blankly and he sipped on his beer. He looked at me and looked down at his drink, then back at me and moved the drink towards me. I took it happily and sipped some and decided to keep it.

“Yannnnnnzy...” I said in a mid tone.

“Shannnnie.” He imitated. I screwed him and hit his arm, he smiled warmly at me and waited for me to speak. I fiddled with my bracelet and sighed.

“Why you nice to me?”

“What so what I gotta be rude or something!” He said defensively. I shook my head quickly and looked at the TV.

“It's just Michael... you know-”

“Shannie man, Michael ain't got anything to do with anything, he's your man. Simple. He's one of my boys. Simple. We jam together. Simple. Mia likes you. Even more simple. What's your problem man.” He said laughing. I covered my face.

“His friends aren't suppose to speak to me, you see how Romel stares at me angrily, me and Michael broke up, it was bad when we were together how is it going to be now!”

“Ignore them! You don't see them unless you go Michael's place, and you don't. So jam m'pretty darlin', do you want to try my profiteroles I made. Shannie bruv I'm bare proud! Yanz the king made that alone ahh I'm proud, Mia bare watched me from her high chair. Look come see!” He said getting up. I tried my best not to laugh and followed him skipping behind. He went into his fridge and got out his “home made profiteroles”.

He placed them on the counter and started having a moment to himself celebrating. I wondered if he made them from scratch. He gave me a spoon and told me to try it. I did and wow, it was better than the tesco ones.

“Wait Yanzy, you made this all alone? No help?” I said shocked the cream inside was killing me softly. The melted Belgian chocolate on top was so good, wow.

“Yeah! Ask Mia!” He said shouting, I started laughing, how can I ask a baby who doesn't speak and doesn't know what goes on around her.

“Okay okay I believe you, but it's so good.” I praised.

“Yesssssss you dun'know pretty face, I do well!” He winked and snatched the spoon off me and took abit of his marvellous work and ate it. I put my finger in the chocolate sauce and put it in my mouth. He looked at me and screwed.

“Hmph.” He said.

“WHAT!” He kept quiet and got me another spoon and we shared and talked about rubbish. He was actually amazing. You would never have known.

It hit 11 PM and we heard his phone ping. He told me to get it out his back pocket since he decided to have sticky hands, I did and brought it back to the living room and collapsed next to him and stared at him.

“Open the message.” How weird. He really is open, Michael would kill me if I even as asked who it was.

“Erm it's Erih.”

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