Letter Eight: Will Patier

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November 2

Dear Liz,

Oh, I'm glad you like someone. And I hope you like the the gift I gave you with my letter. When you told me you liked cookie butter, I remember I have a jar of it in my cabinet. So I hope you enjoy. 

My hobby is to skateboard at the skate park near my house and I'm obviously a dog person too. The last thing I want is to live old and alone with a house full of cats. My favorite quote is true too, and makes a huge impact on me. "I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being." -Jackie Robinson

So you're in England, huh? That's like at the other side of the world, I'm in Los Angeles, California. It was a bit hot, but it's getting cooler now. How come you don't have a British accent when your write like... bloody hell or mate, something like that? And I'm writing with a pentel pencil too, it's not pental. I prefer the lead pencils than regular pencils. It's much easier putting in lead instead of having to sharpen a regular one again and again. It's kind of dumb that we're pen pals but we're not even writing in pen. 

Let's stop it with the 21 questions. I think we know enough about each other. I mean... not like that. What's your school like? Are there any gossips or stuff like that? I don't sound like a girl do I? Halloween already passed, so it might be already too late. What was your costume? I was thinking of being a vampire, but I decided to go as a cop. Which was ironic because I got a... an uncle who's a cop... I couldn't bring a fake gun, obviously, but I brought a water gun instead. Still works the same, it pisses people off, especially the principal. Um, hope you had a happy Halloween.



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