Letter Thirty Two: William Patier

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March 1

Dear Lizzabeth,

Jealous? Why would I be jealous?

Especially to a prissy little princess who freaks out getting a B. Just because you live in the high life doesn't mean you're better than me. To me, you're still that little girl who follows her parents like they're your idol. And that's just sad, I pity you.

So you can become a doctor all I care. Go ahead and cut up people and give them band aids. If you make a mistake, then live with it! Don't follow your dream, you're probably going to be a bad actress anyway. Since you can't even tell your parents what you want to do.

And I don't care about you and Ezekiel. Why would I be jealous of you? Go ahead and snog away, I bet you'll drop out of school once you go to second base. So why would I be jealous, Lizzabeth? You're not worth fighting for.


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