Letter Twenty Three: Liz Teschler

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January 29

Dear Will,

Ooh, I didn't know I am acquainted with such a mischievous mastermind. I wish my school is as fun as yours. Or at least have a guy with enough guts to pull off those pranks. Aren't you scared you'll get expelled or something? And what about your parents? Don't they get mad at all?

Well I have a story, but it's very embarrassing. 

I was in seventh grade, and I went to a public school. Well it was during English, and the teacher was late. I didn't sit in my regular spot and sat next to my friends. When class started, the student who's seat I was sitting on arrived. I got up... or at least tried to. I was stuck to my seat. At first I thought it was gum, but that's when I smelled the glue. I shook the desk, trying to pry myself out of it. All of my classmates were just sitting there in shock, not bothering to help me out. So I just sat there through the whole lecture, glued to my seat. I went through the same lesson three times, even seeing my crush, until I finally pried myself out of the seat. I didn't bother going back to school the next few days.

And that's my embarrassing story.



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