Letter Twenty Six: Will Patier

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February 7

Dear Lizzy,

I got caught hanging out on the stairs while I was ditching by one of those annoying supervisors. I don't know why schools even need them. Wait, don't answer that. He grabbed my collar and threw me into the worst place I could ever imagine.


Well the teacher was obviously surprised by me showing up. Turns out she never knew I even existed, funny right? Well, since Valentine's Day is coming up next week, she made us make (sigh) Valentine's Day cards for... a friend of the opposite gender... And what's worst, is that she made us pick a stupid pun to put it into the card.

So I hope you like the card. I sent it early since I won't reply until after Valentine's Day. I worked really hard on it. And I added a recent pic of me with the card. It's not everyday you see the school's bad boy making a Valentine's Day card with glitter and stickers. A lot of people even took pictures. So the next time someone asks me for a card, I will punch them. 

I did it once. I will do it again.


A Really Embarrassed Will

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