Bonus Letters: Santa Claus

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December 24

Dear Santa Claus,

Hey Santa, it's me again, William. I know I'm already 18 and a lot of my friends don't believe in you anymore. But at least I still do, so that counts. I've always been in your naughty list, so you're probably wondering why I still send you a letter every year. But you seem to be the only person I can talk to without you judging me since I'm already on the list.

Like always I want a motorcycle for Christmas. Something that can take me where I want to go, I can feel the wind whist past me. But there's also another thing.

There's this girl... but it's not what you think. Lizzabeth's special, like a friend even though I've never met her before. Well she wants to be an actress, but her parents are huge dream killers and want her to be a doctor. I don't know if you can, but can you give her some courage to stand up for her parents. Uh... I sound pretty stupid, huh? But just because I've given up doesn't mean she should. So just try to do something, and help her. Thanks.


William Patier

December 24

Dear Santa Claus,

Hi Mr. Claus, it's me again, Lizzabeth. I know I'm going to turn 18, and that I should stop believing in you. But I can't, even when my parents told me you don't exist when I was five. I guess I want to believe in something, and you are the only one I can turn to.

Well I want some more cookie butter this year. This year just wasn't enough. I don't know why they keep running out of stocks, but make sure to have them make more for me. And there's another thing I want, if it's okay with you.

There's this friend of mine... well I think we're friends. We've known each other for two to three months but we've never met each other before. William's in your naughty list, he ditches class and is probably a juvenile delinquent. But I just think that he gave up on himself, that he thinks that he's not smart and has no talent. But he does, he wants to be a professional photographer. I just wish you can show him that he could believe in himself, that if he works hard and finishes school, then he could become one. So please think of something and help him. Thank you.


Lizzabeth Teschler

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