William's British Mates Special

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April 23

"Your mail, sir," Benson, the Hanson's live in butler, announced.

Ezekiel nodded, not paying attention to the stocky man peering inside his bedroom door. He was flipping through a magazine when he should really be studying. Something he knows most American boys do.

"Just leave it on my nightstand," Ezekiel ordered him as he turned a page.

"Of course sir."

Benson walked into the room and placed the mail on Ezekiel's nightstand. But it was quite troubling to find a place to the mail, since lots of junk was on the nightstand leaving no space for the mail. Actually, the whole room was like a pig sty, a maid's worst nightmare.

Oh, Martha, Benson prayed bitterly to the live in maid, I wish you luck on this.

"And ask the cook to whip up something for me, I'm starving," Ezekiel told the butler.

Benson bowed. "Will do, sir." And the butler bowed slightly and hurriedly left the room, but not after almost tripping on a pile of dirty clothing.

Ezekiel tossed the magazine aside. None of the cars seemed to impress him enough to ask his father to buy him. It's quite hard trying to follow the habits of the typical American boy. Ever since that bet his friends had him to do with Lizzabeth, he thought that maybe living the American will be more fun. A party every night, a new girl under each arm ever week, and being able to just throw away money like a tissue. Ah that would be the life.

He reached for the mail that Benson got for him. Benson has been the butler for the Hansons before Ezekiel could walk. Despite the long history, Ezekiel never looked at Benson more than just a servant. No need to be friendly to him, stop paying him and he moves to another family faster than you can say, traitor. And the old man has walked in to Ezekiel's room more than once to find a surprise or two, so just give him a small tip and it'll be as if he was blind since birth.

Ezekiel started to look through the mail. Mostly magazines he ordered and a package of some American Air Jordans he ordered a few weeks ago. But what he didn't expect is a handwritten envelope. He never received something like this.

Intrigued, he tossed the other mail at the side of his bed, even his package. He studied the envelope, flipping it over to see the return address is in America. Los Angeles, California to be exact. Ezekiel had to read the address again, who does he know in America? But the thing was that the sender's name is William Patier. Where did he heard that name from?

He excitedly tore the letter open and began to read. His excitement quickly died down, and turned to anger. He remembered exactly who William Patier is. He was the guy that Lizzabeth was cheating with behind his back. Ezekiel remembered the countless of times Lizzabeth's face brightened when she talked about her pental pal, a stupid version of pen pal only with a mechanical pencil.

The letter was actually a letter threat from the William bloke. He talked about how Lizzabeth wan't good enough got Ezekiel, and how much of a mistake he made. Ezekiel scoffed, if William saw the chick he traded for Lizzabeth, he'd take back all he said. He even threaten that he'd fly to London to kick his "sorry" ass. And not just that, he actually wants Ezekiel to apologize to Lizzabeth.

Ezekiel couldn't hold it anymore, he burst out laughing. This William guy can't possibly be take seriously. But just to be sure...

There was a knock on the door and Benson came into the room holding a tray of sandwiches.

"Your snack, sir."

"Put it on my coffee stand, and ask Martha to clean my room. Why is it my room is the only one not being cleaned?"

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