Letter Fifty-Three: William Patier

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May 28

Dear Lizzabeth,

I have an idea. It's stupid, but its an idea. Lizzabeth, I like talking to you in letters. I don't know why, but it just feels... right. And I know you're not allowed to use the internet for Facebook and stuff.

So how about we keep on writing to each other? Yeah, I know what you're thinking. That's dangerous, are you a bloody idiot? But Lizzabeth, I trust you. And unlike the internet, I don't have to worry if you're a 50-year old pedophile acting like a kid my age. 

So here's my address:

123 N. Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 89201

Lizzabeth, if you don't want to keep writing to me like this, I get it. It's a stupid plan anyway. Nevermind, it was never going to work.

So then this would be the last letter I'll have to give you. Lizzabeth, you were a great Pental Pal, you did more than what most "pen pals" do. You were an actually friend, through your words. You were there in your letters when I needed you the most. And you'd better become the actress you want to be. So thank you Lizzabeth.

I love... I love writing to you. Good bye.



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