Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

It's a dreadful feeling like the universe is constantly working against you. You wake up, you try your very best to not to desire the things you want and then sometimes you are rewarded with what you want and more. The 'more' part is the part that sucks - the part you hadn't asked for. See, in my case its simple: I avoid both boys - Cook and Kent - but in return for some uncalled reason my bestfriend Katy seems to be avoiding me. And the first person I can think to blame is well; the universe.

It was Tuesday morning and I was ridiculously late to class and barely made it to the first bell. Once I entered my English class, I took the first seat near the door for obvious matters; escaping Cook as soon as class finishes. My teacher, Mrs. McConnell, assigned us an impromptu writing assignment. A +350 word essay of our best summer memory to date or what we think our ideal summer would be like.

The moment the third period bell rings, I'm already up and out the door. I headed towards Katy's locker. Confrontation is not my thing but it is necessary when my bestfriend hasn't even come picked me up in the morning and didn't bother texting me a quick and very appreciated warning.

Relief was the first of many emotions I felt when I saw Katy. Then, I saw the arm wrapped around her waist. That's when other emotions came into play: confusion, betrayal, and most importantly disbelief.

"Hey," she said casually, smiling.

"Can I speak to you?" I asked her, my voice urgent and reproaching.

"Sure," she turned around and pecked him straight on the mouth. "Let's go grab lunch," she suggested to me, as if nothing just unfolded in front of my very confused eyes.

We headed outside of the school and I turned to her, accusingly, "What the hell was that?"

"What's that?" she asked lightly.

"Don't play dumb. Why were you kissing him? I thought he wasn't your type."

"No it was the other way around; I wasn't his type. But, turns out I was wrong."

"So what? Now you guys are dating?"

"No. Me and Wesley are just friends.."

"Oh really?"

"... With certain benefits," she said finishing her initial sentence.

"Nice," I state.

"Don't judge me," she said with reproach.

"I'm not," I said. I wasn't really. I was just upset at being kept in the dark these days. Figuratively and literally.

"You are. I can feel it," she took out a cigarette from her pack and lit it.

"I just think you're willingly hurting yourself. We've seen Friends with Benefits - feelings are involved and sometimes it can be only one-sided." For someone who has never had sex before believe me I have experience with this emotional attatchment stuff due to elaborate reading, observing, and feeling.

She was ignoring me, not contempt with my advice.

"Whats with Cook?" the question came out before I could think twice about holding my tongue, now I knew that I was pushing her buttons.

She huffed her cigarette, "Whats with him? I told you its over with him and it's been a while now."

"Okay," I concluded.

"You like him?"

"What? Are you insane? Of course not." As if.

"You should see your face right now. Anyways that's good. Stay away; all that boy is trouble."

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