Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

I woke up on saturday with an agenda in mind. I was going to go into the city and visit my favorite bookstore: The Strand.

Manhattan from Queens was about an hour away with my famous old trusthworthy friend: public transport. I woke at a decent time considering we attended a party last night. I'd ask Katy to come but she would have declined anyway, preferring to sleep in today. Mom was sound asleep as I rushed out the house to not miss the first bus passing this hour.

I spent a good two three hours browsing the bookshelves of The Strand. They had nearly every book your heart desired and in different editions. And the best part was the price. The insanely discounted price. The Strand is basically every bookworms dream bookstore. I got lost in the long rows and stuffed shelves. This bookstore was what I imagined heaven to look like. I always wished I lived in New York city to have greater access to it. But I did come down here once a month at least for years now.

I walked to the nearest Starbucks, ordered a venti double shot on ice and felt content. I was used to alone. But this was a different kind of alone. This was the I deserve to have alone time and treat myself to my favorite things alone.

I brought out my notebook and did some outlining for the story I wanted to begin in November for the writing contest.

Once satisfied with my progress and numb from sitting too long in a crowded Starbucks, I made my way back home. But instead of reading like I normally would in the subway, I was deep in thought. This was my last year of high school, next year I was going to college and I hadn't yet picked a program. I figured that I'd follow mom's footsteps. And eventually - down the road - become a doctor like her, or maybe a nurse. It dawn on me that I have no interest whatsoever in the medical field. I admired my mother and her work. It just wasn't for me. Thoughts of my future haunted me all the way home.

My head was so clouded that I didn't see mom sitting at the couch when I walked in.

"Anna," she said, invoking her nickname for me.

"Mom! Hi," I said and bent down giving her a hug.

"Hey sweetie. How was your day?" she asked.

"Good. How about yours? You're home early," I noticed.

She giggled. I didn't hear my mom giggle. Ever. "It was good too. I was lucky enough to come home early for once. Did you go to The Strand?" she pointed to my bag.

"Yeah," I said excitedly, holding up the bag.

"Show me what you got!"

I did. I showed mom the three books I bought and gave her a brief synopsis on each one of them. As she got up and headed to the kitchen; she promised she'd read one soon. But we both knew she could never find the time of the day and that saddened me more than it did her. Books were such a huge part of my life; I couldn't imagine a day where I wouldn't be able to read. Life gets busy. Work. Family. Housework. I got that. I did. But not everyone had jobs like mom, which enabled her to read periodically. That was another reason why I could never follow her career path...

Mom came back with a steaming cup of black tea for me. I thanked her as she carefully handed me my cup.

"Honey," she started crossing her legs indian style like I had, "I'm sorry for not being around much and spending time with you -"

"Mom," I interrupted.

Holding up her hand, "No honey wait. I'm not finished. I know that I'm not around and that my spare time off I had were shared with Jeffrey... but honey I want you to know that I really would like to put the effort and have at least one night - or morning - of the week to us girls only."

I nodded. "I'd love that. I missed our tea times."

She smiled fondly, reaching for my hair and brushing it with her graceful fingers.

"Mom you can't blame yourself," I reassured her, she had a tear threatening to spill but I didn't only mean about not being home but with what happened with dad, "for anything."

She set our cups down and hugged me fiercely. I found home again in the arms of my mother. I knew that no matter where life would take us. My home was in my mother's arms.

Our girls night consisted of some more tea, lots of popcorn, and of my favorite books to movie adaptation films. I felt guilt eating at me as mom confessed seeing Jeffrey but I, in return, could not muster the courage to tell her I decided against being a doctor. I wanted to become an author. I wanted to read and especially write for the rest of my life.


Hey guys! Long time no see! I've been busy with Uni! It was a long and hard year.

Due to the Love Triangle being 4 years old today I thought I should give at least a small update. I am seriously trying to finish this story in the upcoming month. I think it's time to finish it. I have so many other stories in the works that I want to get to but there's this guilt of finishing this first one. So I'll finish it for those who have been reading it all of these years and for myself because I owe it to this story.

Sorry for the rambling thoughts but I hope you guys will enjoy the next five chapters (which are written but hardly revised!)

Goodluck on finals and assignments! x

- Sandra

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