Chapter Fifty-One

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Chapter Fifty-One

When I woke up the next day; I was still laying on the basement mattress. Confusion washed over me. Cook's face laid inches away from mine. We were so close, we could almost be touching. We were sharing the same breathing air.

Not again.

I had once again fallen asleep against my will.

How did this kept happening to me?

I really hope he doesn't think I do this by purpose.

As soon as I started to stir and lift myself from the bed, he woke up.

We both looked at each other, a bit startled, awkward, and equal parts taken aback.

"Good morning," he croaked.

"Morning. I need to change. We have school," I said in fragments. It's hard to come up with coherent sentences when you've just woken up next to a boy, you've slept with platonically, that's not your boyfriend.

I rushed up and into my bedroom. I got ready quickly. I had only ten minutes before the bus arrived.

When I ran down the stairs Cook was atop the basement staircase.

He had changed and had his backpack and duffel bag with him.

"Where are you going?"

"I was going to catch the bus..." But in my haste and sleep deprived state I forgot that he had his car.

"You forgot I had these?" he said, waving his keys in the air.

I nodded sheepishly, rubbing my eyes once more.

We left the house and Cook drove us to school. He parked at a secluded area.

Just in case.


I was on my way to third period English when I saw Mark being pushed violently to the ground by a guy. The guy was surrounded by a group of guys. I rushed down the hall to Mark, who was laying on the ground, his hand covering his side. He didn't react just stood there.

"You jerks," I cried out angrily as they walked out.

As soon as I bent down, the guy who had shoved Mark is brought back to us, being dragged by his collar by Cook.

"You apologize right now or else you'll get my fist," he said threateningly.

The guy strained.

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