Chapter 3

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"You found absolutely sure you found nothing out of the ordinary in there?" the Doctor asked after we had left the garden.

"Nothing" I said. I considered mentioning the statues I had found but dismissed the idea, they weren't worth bringing up. Not to mention if I did the Doctor would have insisted I show him and with the sun quickly dipping below the horizon I wouldn't enter that garden again for all the money in the world.

"You're absolutely positive?"

"I'm positive"

The Doctor groaned and sat down on the ground leaning against the vine covered wall. He buried his face in his hands as I sat down next to him. We sat in silence for a few minutes, I watched the first of the stars poke out through the dusk while I assumed the Doctor was collecting his thoughts. He dropped his hands from his face and was wearing the expression of a kid who had just received a box full of underpants for Christmas, his bowtie had began sagging down as if it had sensed the heaviness in the air.

"I don't know what we're doing wrong, usually by now I'd be on top of things." He pulled his screwdriver at his pocket and turned it over in his hands "My screwdrivers never lied to me before"

"It's a screwdriver, it screws stuff."

"Not mine." he replied putting the screwdriver back into its resting place. I looked back up at the sky and watched as the sky darkened and more stars made their appearances. My concentration was cut short when a low rumbling cut through the silence in the air. The Doctor heard it too, his head perked up from its brooding position and turned towards me. The rumbling sounded again, it sounded close, too close. I looked down at my stomach as it emitted a short growl. I hadn't realized it earlier, but I was starving. If I had been back at home, it might have been lunch by now meaning I hadn't eaten in hours.

"Your stomach has a point" the Doctor said standing up and brushing dirt off the seat of his pants. "It's dark we should probably find a place to bunk for the night since we've been locked out of the TARDIS"

"I don't think my stomach actually said all of that" I said copying the Doctors movements.

"No but your stomach did say it was hungry, and where theres a nice soft bed theres usually food. I think we may have passed an inn somewhere in.." the Doctor paused sticking his tongue out and spinning in a circle and stopping to point back in the direction we arrived from. "That direction." He reached his hands up to his neck and adjusted his bow tie and started off down the street. I followed after him staring at the ground to make sure I didnt trip over any stray objects.

"Adam, stop walking." The Doctor said. I looked up and noticed I had almost walked face first into him.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. In the moonlight the Doctors eyes showed a slight spark of worry and his mouth was drawn into a tight line. I hadn't known the Doctor long but he wasn't wearing his usual happy go lucky expression so I had to assume something was wrong.

"Yes, something is horribly wrong...I'm lost"

"You're lost?" I asked practically shouting. I had trusted the Doctor to know where we were going, and that bed he had mentioned early was calling my name. My stomach growled again and it was in that moment I realized I was going to starve to death in the middle of Greece. Perhaps my body would be put on display in a museum one day where thousands of eyes would peer at me from behind the glass snapping pictures to take back home and show their friends. "Look at this guy" they would say "he was found dead in the middle of a Greek city because he was too stupid to find his way around and starved."

"No need to throw a fit" the Doctor said. "We'll go into that little shop there and ask where the nearest inn is, maybe they'll even take us". I didn't know what he was talking about, I didn't see any little shop. I saw the same old same old rows of housing,squinting in the dark to see better I did spy one house in particular did have shelfs sitting under a makeshift fabric awning. It may have been a shop, or maybe the people inside just liked to keep their belongings outside. The Doctor made his way over to that particular house and knocked on the door, I made my way over and stopped in front of the shelves. Each shelf with filled with pottery, every shape and size a person could imagine. There were designs much like those on the city walls covering the sides of the pieces, many depicted extremely buff looking men wielding swords and slaying creatures that ranged from a man with the torso of a bull to a dragon with multiple heads.

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