Chapter 4

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My head was pounding as I awoke, it felt as if Thor had taken his hammer and smashed it against my head over and over until there was nothing left. I kept my eyes squeezed shut as if it could dull the pain, but instead it intensified it. I opened my eyes up and found myself in a small dimly lit room, the only light came from a single torch mounted on the wall next to a doorway. My vision was blurry at first but as it sharpened I noticed I wasn't in a room at all, it was more like a cavern. The walls were made of rough dark stone, the torch flickered and cast an orange glow and made the rock look like it was streaked with blood.

Panic began to swell in my chest, I didn't know where I was or how I had gotten here, and for the first time in my life I was filled terror. I had to get out of here, there wasn't any door on the exit, it was just an entrance carved out of the rock it should be easy to leave here...wherever here was. I began to stand up from the chair I had found myself in, but I wasn't able to move an inch due to the fact there was something restraining my ankles. I looked down and saw that both ankles had been cuffed to each leg of the chair with some sort of metallic set of handcuffs. Upon moving my hands I found that they had been handcuffed to the back of the chair, making escape impossible.

A loud screaming filled the cavern, intensifying the icy prick of the terror running through my veins. The screaming was coming from outside of the cavern and it was impossible to distinguish if it was male or female. More screams followed, I cringed as each one echoed off the walls. I sat there listening to each scream when a tidal wave of memories crashed over me. Last night, I had been with the Doctor, and we had been staying at this family's house when the infamous Medusa had arrived. I tried to run but it had been pointless since she had caught me anyways, thats where I must be now, some secret lair of hers.

I dont know how long I sat there, staring at the flickering firelight of the torch listening to the cries. It could have been hours, maybe even days, it was impossible to tell. My arms and legs ached from the fall I had taken when I jumped from the window and I longed once again for my bed back home.

"So, youre finally awake." Medusa said materializing from the shadows of the corridor outsidde of the cavern. Last night I hadnt gotten to see what she looked like, everytime she was around she had me pressed against her from behind. I honestly wish it had stayed that way. Rather than hair thousands of tiny snakes writhed atop of her head as if they were struggling to break free. The snake theme didnt stop there, sharp pointed fangs protruded from her lips and every few seconds a forked tongue would poke its way through and lap at the air. She appeared to be at least 7 feet in height and was clad in what looked like some sort of leather armor, but for all I knew it was some sort of fashion statement. The thing that struck me to be most odd was that I couldnt see her eyes, she kept them hidden behind a blindfold of some sorts.

"Did you have a nice nap?" Medusa asked smirking as she stepped closer towards me. I didnt answer her, I honestly had no idea what I was supposed to say.

"They were right, you are a quiet one."

"If youre going to kill me, just do it now, please"

"Kill you?" She asked. She through back her head and let out the same raspy laugh I had heard last night. The snakes on her head opened and closed their jaws as if they were laughing along with her. "What good could you do for me if you were dead?"

"What do you want?" I asked. She wasnt making any sense to me, for what purpose could I serve her. Unless she planned on holding here to give her private concerts when she desired, I had nothing to give.

"Oh, you really don't know do you?" Medusa leaned forwards and trailed one of her razor sharp nails across my cheek. I tried to wrench my head away but it only caused her to grab me by my jaw and force my face closer to hers.

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