Chapter 11

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"You have a wife?" I asked gripping onto the TARDIS controls with white knuckles as the Doctor tried to land us at the location that had appeared on the paper almost immediately after I had shown it to him.

"Of course I have a wife, don't be daft"

The TARDIS shuddered and the control room jerked to one side throwing me onto the banister with an extreme force that knocked the air from my lungs. Sparks showered from the ceiling and there was a thin cloud of smoke wafting up from under the glass plate flooring.

"Do you have like an evil twin bent on controlling the universe I should know about too?" I shouted over the mechanic squeals that filled the air.

"No!" he shouted back and slammed his fist on the controls. "Why don't you want to cooperate?" he screamed and slammed his fist down again. The TARDIS came to a halt and the engine dulled to a quiet purr that was such a contrast to the screams it had been emitting only seconds ago.

"Thats my girl" the Doctor said smiling and stroking the glass column in the center. I let go of the banister and went over to the front doors standing on my tiptoes trying to see where we had landed. As usual I couldn't see past the frosted panes and placed my hands on the tarnished blue wood and pulled the door open. A puff of steam billowed onto my face as I stepped out onto the unknown territory. The note didn't say where exactly it was we going, all that was there was a set of coordinates and a date that was thousands of years into my future.

"Looks like we're on some sort of spaceship" The Doctor said locking the doors as he stepped out behind me and placed his hand on the wall and traced its weathered silver surface. It looked as if we in some sort of loading dock or cargo bay that you see inside the space ships in science fiction movies and shows. Everything was made out of metal and there large steel crates entangled with other odds and ends. I looked back at the TARDIS and let out a small chuckle.

"What's so funny?" the Doctor asked putting the lid back down onto one of the crates he had been sticking his head in.

I pointed at the TARDIS

"Theres a space ship, on the spaceship. Its ship-ception"

"You are a very, very unique individual Adam. Did anyone ever tell you that?" the Doctor asked.

"Whatever" I retorted walking towards an open entrance that led into a corridor lined with pipes that emitted puffs of steam every so often. "So, wheres your wife?"

"I'm right here" someone behind me said. I turned around to see a woman walking through another entrance on the other side of the cargo bay flanked by two men that dressed in some sort of military uniform. She wore a similar uniform, but judging by the loose threads that dangled off her shoulders she had ripped the long sleeves off and the combat boots the soldiers wore had been replaced with black heels. There was a holster of guns that hung loose around her waist that completed the whole G.I Jane look she had going. What really set her apart though was her hair, it sprung out in every direction like an overgrowth of curling vines that had defied the laws of gravity.

"Hello Sweetie" she said painting a flirtatious smirk on her face. "I've missed you"

"It's definitely been a while." the Doctor said returning her smirk. G.I Jane walked over to him and grabbed him by his bow tie and pulled him closer to her as she leaned forwards and kissed him deeply. I suddenly felt awkward standing there watching them as they "reunited" with one another so I looked down at the metal flooring glancing up every so often to see if they finished.

The woman pulled away and brought her hand back and slapped it across the Doctors face with enough force to cause his head to snap sideways.

"Thats for making Mom and Dad think you dead!"

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