A note from the author

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-To my dearest readers,

First off I would like to thank you for sticking with me this long. When I created this story I originally never saw it going anywhere, I assumed it would be ignored. To know that there are at least a few loyal readers who look forward to each update is heart warming, and it actually gives me this sense of worth. As if I actually have purpose. So again, thank you.

But thanking you isn't the point of this letter. No. Rather I'm here to formally announce I am bringing an end to my tale. It saddens me as well, but I can not bring myself to finish this "Matrix" adventure I started. I feel horrible for starting it in the first place, only to leave it in the dust. I just wasn't feeling it. I also am coming up dry with new ideas. Long ago, in case something like this happened I went ahead and created an ending to my story to ensure that there would be a finish. That I wouldn't leave the readers perpetually hanging.

I will tell you how the Matrix story was going to end though. Basically the Doctor and Adam were going to find the base for the operation behind the simulation. From there they would discover that a self aware virus had created that system and was trapping the minds of select people inside. That virus was planning to use the bodies laying unused outside of the Matrix to carry the virus itself out into the real world were it would spread to everybody and pretty much kill every living human. I didn't know how I was going to end this story, and I couldn't actually figure out how to write it. So essentially, I gave up.

Now that you know how that part ended (sort of) I would like to apologize again for this. I am going to start typing out the finale as soon as I finish this. I'm not sure when it would be done, but I will do everything in my power to make sure I give you a satisfying conclusion.

If one day in the future I come up with the ideas that are eluding me now, I have another idea for making a sequel of sorts to this story. But for now, The Boy Who Sang About a The Stars is about to end.

With love (and Jammy Dodgers)

-Ashley (technicolorsunsetsky)

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