Chapter 14

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Across the cargo hold was a ramp that lead up to a airtight metal door, there was another ramp that led to an identical door right behind me where Clara was busy pulling and pushing mechanisms to get the door to open for us. Loud metallic thumping noises echoed off the walls and sent chills running up my spine. I had overheard everything the Cybermen had said through Clara's comm and not only was I perplexed, but I was terrified. I didn't know what a group of robots wanted with me, to be perfectly honest I had nothing to give them.

I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the banister that ran along the ramp as Clara scampered down and made her way over to one of the steel boxes and began to pry it open. The lid popped off with a hiss and Clara dipped her little body down into the container so that the only part of her I could see her legs bobbing back and forth up in the air. She came back up with a few smaller packages and what looked like a set of small compact guns.

"What are those for?" I asked as she made her way back up the ramp and placed her small load on the inside of the now open door.

"Well if going to land on an unexplored territory we should have supplies" she said and came back down and made her way across the hold and disappeared behind a stack of boxes. The thumping that I had been hearing for the past minute or so steadily became louder, I had no idea what could be making that sound. Perhaps it was debris hitting the side of the ship, or maybe it was just the ship itself giving up and secumbing to its fate.

I stood there for a moment before I realized that the thumping sounded like footsteps, or more like a loud stomping. The Cyberleader (or whatever the head Cyberman was called) had said there was one of them on the way to board our half of the ship and come pick me up. Panic rose in my chest as I pushed away from the banister and began to frantically look around for Clara, but I didn't see her anywhere. The footsteps sounded incredibly close as I ducked behind a stack of boxes hoping that wherever this Cyberman was I would be out of his line of sight. There was a crowbar Clara had been using to open the crates laying on the ground next to me, I slowly stooped down and grabbed the crowbar and held it tightly. I brought my arms up behind my head and clutched the crowbar like a baseball bat, I didn't know how much protection this would provide me with but it was better than being defenseless.

The footsteps started back up again, now that the Cyberman was close I could practically hear the mechanics in his system. With every footfall there was a slight hissing sound, almost light steam being let loose, as a series of pistons pumped up and down. I glanced back down onto the ground and saw the Cybermans shadow stretched out in front of me. He was practically right on top of my hiding spot, one more step forward and he was guaranteed to see me hiding behind the tower of cargo.

I didn't want to take my chances at being spotted first so I jumped out from behind the crates and swung the crowbar towards him landing a blow directly to his oversized metallic head. The hit didn't seem to phase the Cyberman in the least bit, with a swift motion he seized the crowbar from my hands and threw it against the wall behind me. I felt the black hollow holes that should have housed a set of eyes shift to look down at me and bore into my soul.

"Adam Young, you have been commissioned to help the survival and overall success of the Cybermen race. Resistance is futile." The Cyberman said to me. As he spoke the small line where a mouth should have been lit up a brilliant blue that added to the overall creepiness of his droning robotic voice.

There wasn't any way that I was willingly going with anyone besides the Doctor or Clara off of this ship. My fight or flight instincts kicked in and I turned around and began to flee. My sneakers slapped against the cold metal flooring until I suddenly felt a brilliant stabbing pain emerge in my right shoulder. Moments later the stinging subsided and was replaced with an unbearable tingle of electricity that traveled along the whole length of my body. I fell to the floor and let out a cry of pain as the electricity ceased but left me almost completely immobile. I told my legs to move, to get up and run as far away as possible, but they didn't respond to my pleas. I looked up to see the Cyberman coming closer, to collect me as his prize and take me back to the rest of his army.

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