Chapter 2

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Dean didn't understand what was happening. One minute he was being beaten and raped and the next he had a jacket wrapped around him and was sitting in the back seat of an extremely warm car. His master looked at him through the car's mirror every now and then and that made him really nervous. The drive was long and Dean really wanted to pee, but he wasn't gonna talk to his master, much less ask him a question without his permission, so he remained quiet, head vowed, and glanced at the window every few minutes. Relief flooded him like a river when he saw they were parking in front of a house, but with his luck it turned out to be Gabriel's and he felt like crying in disappointment or just getting off the car and peeing in the front lawn. Gabe opened the door and said goodbye to both of them. Castiel replied with a see you soon and Dean just nodded, he was too scared to talk. When they finally got to Castiel's house Dean was so relieved that he almost peed himself then and there, but he knew better than to piss this guy off.
The house, he noted, was completely isolated. No neighbors and no business could be seen, but the place made up for it with a spectacular view.  Dean could see the mountains and a lake that was nearby. His master turned around and smiled
"We are here" he announced as he got out. Next thing Dean knew he was being helped out of the car and into the house.  The house itself wasn't fancy, but it looked nice enough. It was full of Windows and Dean caught a glance of some sort of pool in Castiel's backyard.
"Dean?" Castiel asked suddenly and the slave bowed his head.
"Yes, master?" Dean whispered.
"Oh Dean, there's no need for that. Please call me Cas" His master said kindly.
"Yes sir. So- sorry sir, I mean Cas, I- I
I'm sorry ca- sir please I'm- I didn't mean to, I, Yes Cas." Dean was so embarrassed that he felt flush coloring his pale cheeks. Oh god, he was probably going to get whipped again. He felt the tears coming, clinging to his eyelashes in an attempt to get out, but Dean wouldn't cry in front of his master. He didn't want to make his punishment worse. Cas put a hand on his shoulder, Dean flinched but all his master said was "Dean, calm down. It's okay, we'll work on it. Sound good?"
Dean nodded, and his urge to pee came back stronger than ever.
"Yes, Dean"
"May I ask a question?"
"Of course" Cas replied calmly.
"Can-uh can I maybe, with all your permission, can I please, please, please use your bathroom, you- you can punish me afterwards if you want or... Or something, but can I please, please use the bathroom?" Dean was so desperate that he didn't notice the look of sadness that swept over Castiel's face.
"Yes Dean, of course and while we are at it Do you want to take a shower?"
"Yes sir."
Castiel led Dean to the bathroom and waited outside till he finished using the toilet, then he went back inside to teach Dean how the shower worked and to give him the new clothes he bought for him. 
A fresh pair of sweats, and underwear.
Castiel couldn't get over the expression Dean made when he was handed the sweats and told to shower with warm water, the man looked so grateful and and scared at the same time that it caused something in Castiel's heart to break. Dean's bruised eye and bloody lip only made Castiel want to hug him and tell him that he was safe, plus, judging by the slave sellers, Castiel knew that those weren't Dean's only injuries and that he must likely would have at least one broken rib.
He heard the door of the bathroom and Castiel was suddenly glad he made that extra serving of lasagna earlier, because now Dean looked more sick and tired than before.
"I'm done master, thank you" Dean said softly.
"Of course, whatever you need Dean."
"Thank you" The slave said again.
"Why don't you sit at the table? I made lasagna earlier for dinner. I hope you like pasta" Castiel said cheerfully.
Dean started to kneel next to the table, and Castiel quickly caught his arm.
"I meant take a seat on a chair, Dean."
Castiel chuckled but he was wearing a sad expression.
"Yes sir. Sorry sir" Dean almost cried.
"Hey Dean I'm not mad at you. Okay? I'm not, I just want you to sit with me at the table. Is that okay with you?"
"Yes Cas" Dean said quietly.
He pulled out a chair and sat on it.
Dean was so hungry that he devoured the lasagna in two seconds. He submissively vowed his head after he finished. He didn't dare to ask for more even though he was still hungry. Castiel gave him a second plate anyway.
"Did you like it?" Cas said, he had a little sauce at the corner of his lips.
"Yes C-cas, it was great." Dean said shyly. He then got up and gathered a napkin and before realizing what he was doing he wiped the sauce off of Cas's lips. Castiel blushed furiously and caught Dean's hand.
"Sorry sir, I didn't mean to- I didn't mean to do that Cas, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry , please don't chain me up please, I'm sorry" Dean started to panic and he knelt down in front of Cas.
"It's fine Dean, you are fine" his owner said, Dean's head was vowed again and Cas started stroking his hair with soft touches. He wanted to stay in that moment forever, this had been the only kindness Dean had experienced in years and he wanted to savor it while it lasted, He was still terrified of what Castiel would do to him, but after a while he just relaxed into the touch.
They stayed like that for 10 minutes, Until Dean started falling asleep, Castiel must have noticed since he asked Dean if he was ready for bed.
"Do you want me to wash the dishes?" Dean asked tiredly, he really wanted to sleep, but there was always something for him to do and he didn't want to get hit because he didn't do it.
"No Dean, let's just go to bed"
Dean stood up, his legs were numb and the painkillers started wearing off. He felt a sting in his ass and his bruised, malnourished torso wasn't cooperating either.
Castiel led him into a room with a huge window. The room was impeccable. This must be Castiel's room he thought.
Dean was scared, well to be fair he was always scared, but this time it was different. He didn't realize that the man wanted to use him so soon and he prayed against every possibility that his master would be at least gentle with him since he was still sore from the last time he had "sex".
"This is your room" Cas said, unaware of Dean's tornado of thoughts.
"My-my room?" Dean exclaimed.
"Yes Dean, there are pain killers in the drawer and some water bottles in the closet"
"Thank you sir, Cas, thank you so much. I've never-" Dean cut himself off, he wasn't sure of what he wanted to say. I've never had a room, I've never had food as good, I've never been able to shower with warm water, I've never had a master as patient as you. Thankfully Cas didn't push it and led Dean to the bed pulling the covers down and getting some water and painkillers out. He gave them to Dean and Dean almost cried in relief, he really didn't think that he would be granted pain killers again.
"Dean?" Cas said, his voice soft. "Dean look at me"  Dean did. "Hey, look I-I really want you to listen, you don't have to understand now, but just listen to me okay?"
Dean nodded, he was freaking out and started trembling.
"I'm never, ever, going to hurt you or- or touch you in a way that makes you uncomfortable. You don't have to be afraid of me Dean, I don't want that. I want to be friends. I want us to trust each other, and you don't have to trust me now, I understand why you wouldn't, but I really don't want you to be scared of me Dean."
The slave was taken aback by his master's confession. Some part of him had always longed for safety or at least a place where he wasn't abused 24/7, but some other part of him, the part that had been stripped of all its innocence claimed that Castiel's offer of being friends was simply impossible. Nonetheless Dean nodded slowly and lowered his eyes.
Cas smiled sadly and gave Dean a look of pity.
"Good night Dean" he said as he was heading out of the room he reached for the light.
"No!!" Dean cried out. "Cas please don't, sir I don't like the dark,  I-I'm sorry sir, but please leave it on, please."
"Yes, of course" Cas responded with a kind tone. "Rest well Dean"
"Good night sir" Dean said.
Cas closed the door and Dean fell asleep, submerging himself into a world of nightmares.
This chapter changes it up a bit with Dean's POV in the story.
I know I know I'm the worst in updating things in time and I'm a horrible person. I've been so busy lately. You can blame school for my absence, but hey I'm still here alive and well. Hope you enjoyed this, I tried to make it long to make up for all the time that I've been missing. Please comment with suggestions since I'm running out of ideas. I love you and stay positive and vote and share and I hope I'll see you later. ;)
PS: if you haven't listened to
car radio by twenty one pilots you should stop whatever you are doing and go listen to that song right now cuz it's freaking amazing and you'll love it!

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