XXII: Watch Your Back

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Off on an adventure. Be back soon.

- A

I read the words three times over as my eyes adjusted to the morning light. I was suddenly glad Mom had started to sleep in till mid morning because if she saw that note on the table I was worried we would've had a whole new breakdown on our hands.

I was filled with disbelief, yet understanding. She was here one day and gone the next, that was how Avery worked. She was never a settled soul. I quickly crumbled the paper up and hurried over to the bin in the kitchen, throwing the note into the bin like I did with the others before. Melissa would be pissed. What do I say to Mom? Do I just tell the truth? I was stuck, confused. I mean, it's not as if Avery was in a bad place? I could tell Mom where she was and convince her that it was okay?

She'd be back... I think, I hope, I thought as I closed the bin and leant against the wall, groaning, And here I am, alone again.

Glancing over to the calendar I saw the days marked off leading up to Melissa's arrival. It was at least four days, I could manage till then. Right? My gut wrenched and the feeling of dread ran over me as I read the letter in my mind. How long will it be till I see her again? I did not know. All I could remember was the last time this had happened. She hadn't been seen in months. Could life stay normal until then?

With Avery gone, Ana going and Mom now without anyone to help her, it was as if life was ready to go up in flames and there was nothing to put it out before is spread. I just wanted to melt right there and then. I refused to go back there.

Hearing Mom's door open, I stood straight and adjusted myself, heading over to the fridge, pulling open the door and taking out the milk. I began preparing myself breakfast, deciding to take the easier route of remaining ignorant. I couldn't tell her the truth, it would hurt her so much that i just couldn't. She had her hopes so high. I didn't wanna break them. I heard her approach me and move to the table, pulling out a chair and sitting.

"Morning," She said.

"Morning," I turned, smiling over to her as I poured out some Captain Crunch, looking back at my bowl quickly.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Why did Mom's always have that sixth sense of knowing when something was wrong? Why did they do shit like that?

"Nothing," I shook my head, pouring in the milk and dropping a spoon into my bowl before turning to take a place with her at the table. But her face gave me that look, the one a mother would give a child after asking if he ate the last cupcake or something.

"She's gone again, huh?" She crossed her arms, sitting back in her chair.

I guess she had figured it out herself, maybe it was best to be honest? Sighing, I nodded and rubbed my temple, "Yeah, I'm sorry.."

"Psh, don't be! She was always a run away. That's all she's ever done," Mom smiled and stood up, heading to the fridge, opening it and pulling out the milk before switching the coffee machine on, "It would just have been nice, you know? To have her here."

"You will be okay, though?" I turned to look at her.

"Of course," She rested her hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze, "It won't be like before, trust me. I won't put you through that again. I promise." And from that I wanted to trust her, I knew I could trust her. But my heart and head was told this so much that they couldn't help but doubt. It was just hopeless.

"Okay," I replied simply before turning back to my bowl and eating.

"Is she... Is she safe?" Mom asked as she poured out her coffee, her voice filled with an emotion that was mixed between sadness and hope. Mom loved her, she loved us endlessly. But like a human, she made a mistake. That's something only I understood in this family, apparently. Nodding I placed my spoon down and glanced at her, "Boy, you couldn't imagine how safe she is. I'm sure the only worry she has is getting lost in that damn mansion," I assured her.

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