Becoming Sand Ninja Part 1!

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Violet's POV



"It's a ridiculous idea, Vi," Scar sighed, tugging the dress-thing from my hands and neatly placing it back on the clothes rack.

Scar, Ari and I were clothes shopping with Temari because we reeeeaaaallly stood out in our "Real World" outfits, as Scar had pointed out after we convinced her to not jump out the window. I'd apologized to Kankuro, who shot me a dirty look and told Scarlette that he pitied her.

To say the least, Ari was offended.

I just laughed.

"But I want me and Temari to be twinning!" I insisted, reaching for the purple dress that was exactly like Temari's. Scar slapped my hand away, making me cry out in childish pain and surprise. She sighed again, already in her new outfit.

Her clothes consisted of a deep purple sleeveless zip-up hoodie, with a mesh a mesh shirt (like Shikamaru's) underneath, and black shorts (like Sakura's) that stopped just before her knees. She'd wrapped up her hands and forearms in white bandages, also, and Ari said it made her look badass.

"Vi, just be original," she said, busy tying up her longish black hair into a tight ponytail. She left her feathery bangs free and the ends framed her face, drawing attention to her gold-speckled eyes. She looked great as a Ninja! "That means no copying Ari, either," she added when she caught me peering at our sister, who was just emerging from the changing room.

Ari, with help from Temari, had picked out a black mesh shirt which she covered with a jacket that reminded me of Hinata's, except that it was sky blue and slightly more form-fitting, with matching shorts. Well, since both my sisters chose shorts, I'd be original and go with a skirt!

I found a beautiful pink one with a stitched design of a hawk on the bottom, and paired it with a matching pink crop top over a sleeveless meh shirt. I found pink fingerless gloves too!

"Well, you don't look like Ino," Ari commented, after making sure Temari was out of earshot. I nodded giddily, having just left the dressing room myself. I looked down and realized that each of us had also picked up a pair of Ninja sandals: Scar's were black, Ari's were dark navy blue, and mine were a beautiful pink!

"Where did you even find pink sandals?" Scarlette asked, sweat dropping as she took in my chosen outfit. I blinked, then pointed in a random direction.

"You found them in the Men's Underwear Department?" she asked dubiously, raising a brow. I just shrugged and smiled, having forgotten where I picked up the sandals.

"Oh, you're all finished."

My sisters and I turned around, and came face to face with Temari. She looked us over, then nodded, and went to pay for our purchases. She was the Kazekage's daughter so I suppose she and he siblings had a good deal of money.

When Temari came back, she motioned for us to follow and led us out the door, where Kankuro was waiting. He cringed when he saw me, and I waved reassuringly, silently promising not to scare him again. While I still thought he was an adorable kitty kat, I didn't like upsetting people. Besides my sisters.

Temari crossed her arms as she stood beside her brother. They exchanged a quick look, and even I could see the anxiety they shared.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing," Temari said shortly, turning back to us. "We were just wondering whether or not it would be a good idea to train you as Ninja."

The next thing I know, Scarlette's slapped a hand over both my mouth and Ari's. She must have known we were getting ready to fangirl scream. Darn, she caught us!

"That would mean a lot to my sisters and I," she said, ignoring the glares we aimed at her. "As we are now, we're basically defenseless. And we'd also like to be able to pay you, and your Village, back for the kindness you've shown us. Not many people would accept three strange girls who appeared in their home in the middle of the night."

"Still can't figure out why we did it in the first place," Kankuro grumbled under his breath, though we all clearly heard his comment. Scar sighed softly, looking worn out. This wasn't unusual for her, as she always had to keep us under control when our Aunt and Uncle were home. They loved us, but they didn't appreciate our behavior. Devout Catholics, Scarlette called them. She said they didn't particularly like how Ari and I could sometimes act, especially when Ari cursed. She also said that she was always afraid Ari and I would get shipped off to private school to learn "manners" and how to "act like a proper young Catholic woman".

That was another reason I was glad we'd been sucked into Naruto. Maybe Scarlette wouldn't have to worry about us as much.

Then again, we were living with Gaara...

Oh well!

"Alright," Temari said, shooing her brother a withering look. "We'll teach you some things. Chakra control, some Taijutsu... Maybe Ninjutsu if we get around to it. There's a training ground not too far away that we can use, since it's normally empty at this time of day." She tipped her head back, checking the sub's position in the sky. She nodded to herself, as though she'd just proven some point or another.

Once again we followed Temari, and this time Kankuro as well. She led us around the dry, sandy Village of Suna. We, mostly Ari, Scar and I, received strange looks from the Villagers. The Ninjas took special interest in us.

"We aren't gonna get jumped are we?" Ari asked, gesturing at a group of what I thought were Jonin who were glowering at us. But Scarlette shook her head, tapping Ari's shoulder in an effort to stop her questions. I saw why when Temari followed Ari's pointing finger and scowled at the men watching us.

Scar leaned in and whispered, "Those men aren't looking at us, not like the others are. They're watching Temari and Kankuro."

"Why?" I asked, dropping my voice to a soft whisper. She sighed and said, "it must be because Gaara is there brother. He may have Shukaku, but his siblings are bound to be ostracized also, just for being related to him."

Ari and I frowned at that. We never quite got why everyone was afraid if Gaara, at least when he was an ADORABLE little kid who just wanted a friend. I know Scar felt the same, though she said she understood why the Villagers acted the way they did. She also would add under her breath that she thought they were heartless bastards.

Soon we reached the training grounds... And they fell very short of Ari and I's expectations. It was just a mile-wide patch of sand near the Village wall with a few straw targets scattered around.

Scar seemed content enough with it though.

Kankuro tossed us each a weapons pouch he must have picked up while we were clothes shopping. I opened mine up and squealed when I saw the assortment of kunai, shuriken, metal wire and smoke bombs. No paper bombs, though. I guess they didn't trust us with those.

Sad face!

"Who's training who?" Ari piped up with an ecstatic smile. She'd already strapped her pouch to her thigh, and I saw that Scarlette did the same, so I followed suit.

Temari and her brother exchanged another pained look, then said at the same time, "I want Scarlette."

They scowled at each other, neither willing to budge an inch. I looked back at Scar to see she was shaking her head, looking more than slightly annoyed. Ari was seething, upset that no one wanted to train her.

I simply shrugged and started looking around, waiting for the Sand Siblings to finish out their silent argument. Something caught my eye, a swirling mass of sand from just behind us. I actually gasped a little when the sand settled, and Gaara appeared out of thin air.

"I'll train that one," he said, lifting a hand to point at Scarlette, who I saw tense at the sound of his voice.

The other members of the infamous trio froze, blanching. Identical looks of horror were on their faces. And then they straightened up.

Kankuro grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards a set of straw dummies on the far side if the training grounds. "Ok!" he called over his shoulder. "I've got Blondie then!"

"I've got Ari!" Temari shouted back, and I saw her dragging Ari away, leaving Scar alone with Gaara. I smiled at her, and watched as Ari did the same. Then, at the same time, we made kissy-faces at our sister, whose eyes widened to the size of softballs. I then saw her duck her head, probably muttering curses and threats under breath. I kept smiling as I turned around and skipped beside Kankuro.

He looked at me out of the corner of his eye and groaned.

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