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Scarlette's POV

Gaara and Ari found me sitting at the edge of a cliff face some thirty minutes after my fall out with Violet. Of course I had no intention of jumping, but the wind that blew into the cliff and blasted upwards provided a calmling distraction from the reality I was currently faced with. (The random cliff just so happened to be Mt. Hokage. I was perched above Minato Namikaze, Fourth Hokage in the history of the Hidden Leaf. He always seemed like a sensible man, and I hoped he'd keep me from freaking out too much over Violet)

My sister had been brainwashed by Might Guy and Rock Lee.

"She really went mental, didn't she?" Ari said awkwardly, taking a seat beside me, dangling her long legs over the side. Gaara remained further back, looking around slowly as though he suspected an incoming attack.

"I believe that's an understatement, Ari," I sighed, hanging my head. I had never seen my sister so thoroughly enthralled by anything. Even her cosplaying couldn't compare to this. "She passed the deep end about a mile or so ago, and kept swimming."

"That was a weird way of saying she's gone cray-cray."

"Please don't ever utter those words again."

"Ah, yeah. That did sound... kinda wrong."

I sighed again. "What are we planning to do? You know like this she's going to be even more of a handful, and I don't want her ruining anything in the story--"


"Shit!" I hissed, reeling backwards from my sister's sudden appearance. She was clinging to Minato's spiky stone hair horizontally, grinning up at us. Blue chakra swirled around her feet and hands, an excess of her perfectly molded power. "Violet!" Ari snapped, startling me further. Ari was never cross with Violet. But I could see why she'd be upset. Violet had scared her so badly, she'd slid off Minato's head and had just managed to dig her heels into his nose with chakra to stop herself from falling. She scambled forwards, frantic hands pulling at the stone until she was able to flow chakra into her fingers and plams.

"Sorry!" our sister chirped while I reached down to Ari, who was slowly crawling back up the rock. I grasped her hand and tugged her up with all my pitiful strength, pulling her into a relatively safe position. "But surprising you felt soooo youthful! I couldn't resist!"

Just like how I couldn't resist slapping her upside the head?

I blinked in shock, realizing I had actually hit her. She winced, rubbing her head while she gave me a sad look through one eye, the other scrunched closed in "pain". 

"You almost killed me!" Ari scolded, flopping back onto the rock. I could see her heartbeat racing, her mesh shirt and jacket twitching as the thumps racked her entire chest. She let out a long, slow deep breath, settling herself down, while I rounded on Violet.

"I would suggest you get rid of that ridiculous outfit, Violet," I said as calmly as I could, painfully aware that Gaara was lurking somewhere in the background during our horrid family moment.

"But it's so--"

"If you say youthful one more time, I'm breaking your iPod!" Ari threatened, causing Violet to squeak in fright. Her iPod was her life in reality. It was unsurprising that she felt the same about it here. 

"How do you want to deal with this?" I asked Ari, shutting Violet out for the time being. It was a way to get back at her for the surprise attack; Violet hated being left out of things, no matter what they consisted of.

"I say we ban her from seeing Lee-kun ever again," she suggested. Another squeak escaped Violet, before she threw herself at Ari, practically sobbing her innocent little heart out. "No, no, no!" she begged. "I love Lee-kun! He's so inspiring! And so YOUTHFUL!"

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