Death in the Family

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Violet's POV

I was giddy beyond belief. Scar and Ari were back! They were here and with me and in the flesh and oh god Violet calm down. I giggled. My sisters were coming home, and I'd been the one to save them. Well, in all actuality, it had been Sasori who gave us the opening, delivered the final push to convince Scar it was alright to leave.

I would love that freaky puppet man for the rest of my life for what he'd done for me.

And it looked like Scar might've been thinking along the same lines... Hehe...

The sun burned and crackled above us, like those adorable little cooking fires campers like to use. You know, the ones with the little mini hotdogs shoved onto pointy sticks? We'd never been the camping types, really, but once Ari snuck the fire starter kit thingy into the house and we hid under my Powerpuff Girls blanket and told creepy ghost stories in the half-light.

Scar found us ten minutes later and thumped us both over the head for being "disarmingly charming idiots" as she put it. After Ari had Googled what she meant by that we attacked her in one of our famous hugs, all smiles and happy times.

I wanted it to be like that again.

Ari skipped along beside me, totally at ease and blissfully cheery, fingers folded together behind her head. The smile hadn't left her lips since we'd hit the desert, and she seemed to enjoy the the feeling of the sand shifting beneath her sandals. Watching her, I noticed just how grubby she - and Scar - was. I wrinkled my nose. My sisters were just plain gross!

If only I'd had some Water Style jutsu up my sleeve, cause they needed a bath ASAP!

Sad face...

"Hey, Scar!" Ari suddenly piped up. "How long do ya think it'll take to reach Suna? My feet are getting some major blisters here..." She spun around on her heel to face Scar, who'd fallen behind, and a sweat drop formed as she pulled a blank face. I looked too and nearly face-planted from the shock.

Scar lay sprawled out on the sand around twenty feet behind us. Hazy heat lines, visible as they broke free from the baked earth, made her form a little diorienting to look at. Ari and I sweat dropped again.

"She hasn't been sleeping?" I guessed.

"Not a wink."

Poor Scar, she was probably all worried about Gaara! I mean, he finally realizes he might possibly have feelings for her and she has to tell him she fell for the OTHER emo redhead?! I could never put my Lee-kun through such torture!

Ari looked pointedly at me and I smiled gleefully. My fingers came together in my absolute favorite Sign and the world gained another Lee-kun-obsessed blonde girl. She saluted me; I giggled. My Clone jogged over to Scar, hauled her up onto her back, then proceeded to follow us as we continued searching for the bestest Village in all the countries.

Ari's POV

The Village seemed unusually quiet. I mean, it was no Konoha, obviously. No hyperactive blondes he--

Ah. Right. We had Violet.

Ahem. Anyway, it's not like Naruto was there, constantly causing mayhem for Jonin and civilians alike. Even so, the streets were unusually deserted, the only real sound the often-evil wind whipping up dust storms in the middle of the roads. Windows were shuttered, doors locked up tight.

We only found that out because we couldn't get into the Sand Siblings' home. And that pissed me off because I hadn't changed my clothes in about two weeks and I reeked. I won't even lie; Scar and I stunk bad enough to kill an elephant with our noxious fumes. Of course Scar would forever deny that but I'm putting it on the record!

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