Fangirl #2 VS. ....."Gah. Just Screw It. My Life Sucks" - Ari

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This is dedicated to MisakiofKonoha because 1) they gave me support for this story waaaaay back when it first started 2) I am in love with their Naruto stories, like oh dear Lord they're amazing and 3) because Ari and Violet demanded it. ALSO LOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL FANART CREATED BY THE WONDERFUL PoisonChimera!! ISN'T IT PERFECT?


Ari's POV

Being separated from my sisters was one thing.

Being chased down by an overpowered, pill-popping Ninja was something much, much more hazardous to my health.

No. Seriously. This guys had to be on steroids or something. I was inching closer to Lee's almighty speed and he was right behind me. For Kami's sake, he was either on drugs or he had something like Kiba's All Fours Jutsu up his tacky sleeve. Gah. No. I didn't want something like that. Anything that reminded me of Dog Boy at this point was a major sore point and needed to be thrown off a cliff.

Unfortunately, there weren't any nearby cliffs to suit my excessive needs.

There was, however.... Actually, there was shit-nothing. I was literally just running around like a chicken with its head cut off, said head rolling around in the cow poop somewhere, two very sad, very glass eyes staring into infinity.

....Yeah. That sums it up nicely.

I cursed as my foot snagged on a gnarled root, nearly catapulting me into the dirt. Why was I not leaping through the trees like a goddamn gibbon? No, not a chimpanzee, a gibbon. Ya know, those little monkey things with the ridiculously long arms? Those. Not chimpanzees. Because I think they look cooler.

Anyway, I was running - like a normal person - on the ground because every time my muscles bunched, ready to make the jump upwards, there'd be this really obnoxious guy behind me throwing kunai at whatever branch I'd had my eyes on.

Some people were just so inconsiderate.

He hadn't thronw any jutsu at me yet, so I was thinking maybe he was a weapons guy. Or Taijutsu. Or, you know, weapons. Weapons sounded good, seeing as how he just he just poofed up one of those giant shuriken from a scroll slotted onto his belt. He swung his arm around and the shuriken rushed towards me, leaving me to make another ill-timed jump for the trees. He'd already launched another barrage of kunai for the branch, and they were so on-target I'd have been shish kebabbed if I didn't manage a twist mid-air, angling myself towards the ground again.

Gritting my teeth, I flipped around and spun into a Sand Hurricane. My sandal connected with the side of his head with a sickening crack, and a poof. A battered log thudded into the misty grass.

I landed, half-crouched, eyes peeled for any signs of movement. The fog wasn't helping any; shadows danced around, twisted and spun, and I couldn't keep track of what was mind-tricks and what was the enemy.

Movement. Little snippets of movement crowding the corners of my eyes. Hellishly bright reflections glinting off thrown kunai; kunai with no actually destination in mind, it looked like. Distractions? Maybe.

Scratch that: Definitely was the better word. Kami, I hated when people made my vocab so specific!

My head shot up as I sensed some scary shit behind me, my body twisting around - too late - to avoid the chain that wound around me, pinning my arms to my sides and rendering my legs useless. It pulled taut with enough force to bruise my used-to-abuse bones.

I grimaced, biting back the unmanly gasp that threatened to rush from my lips. I wasn't a guy, yeah; so what? Ninja were manly. Your argument is invalid.

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