Chapter 14.

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"Hmm how cozy." I hear Harry hum as he sat down on the couch, his eyes still scanning the whole place. What's so special with my house anyway. I mean it's just a house.

"Uh, when are you going to leave?" I question trying me best to not sound rude but failed.

He looks at me with a frown. "You want me to leave?"

"Yeah... I shouldn't let a stranger in." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "Especially a psycho." I added, making sure he didn't hear me at all. Hopefully he didn't or I'm dead.

"I'm not what you think I am." He sighed, running his hands through his curly hair.

What? I don't care what you fucking say, you psycho! Ugh, I need him to get out of my house right now. Who knows what he'll do to me. I prefer to keep quiet so I just started to go upstairs to my room, completely ignoring him. What am I doing? I'm too tired and overwhelmed by this whole situation that I just can't think straight. I closed my door and locked it so that psycho can't get in.

I went straight to my bed and before I know it, I fell asleep.

-Harry's Point of View-

"What the fuck was that?" I ask myself as I lightly chuckled. She's cute the way she just attempted to ignore and leave me. I wanna mess with her for some reason and perhaps try to scare her. She's so vulnerable and fragile that it just makes me want to scare her but at the same time, care for her. I can also see that she is too young to control her immaturity. What an amusement for me.

I hope she will understand the moment I'll tell her that I will be there for her until her father gets to meet her. But this is not the right time to tell her that... Not yet...

I immediately jolted up from the couch when I heard a woman voice coming from the front door.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath as I quietly tiptoed upstairs to where Brae went. I hope she didn't lock her room.

The moment I was upstairs, a loud voice erupted. "Brae?! Are you home yet?!"

Ugh shit I immediately went from door to door until I came across a locked room which I assume was Brae's bedroom. She wasn't inside the previous rooms so I bet she's inside, locking herself up. My mind wandered everywhere to think of a way on how to get Brae to open this damn door. Then an idea popped into my mind.

I banged my fist against Brae's room and her mum yells. "Brae, is that you?!"

"Mom...?" A small voice erupted from the room.

Without wasting my time, I banged my fist again and this time footsteps were heard coming upstairs. Come on, Brae open the fucking door.

The door suddenly swung open and I abruptly went inside, frightening Brae. My eyes wandered around her room, looking for a place to hide then my sight landed on her bed. I quickly knelt down and went below it.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I hear Brae ask in confusion though I prefer to ignore it.

-Brae's Point of View-

What is Harry doing? Is he hiding... I looked outside to check what Harry has been hiding from and then I saw mom in a very shocked expression mixed with anger. Oh man.

"Brae?! Oh my god, where have you been?" She barks full of worry and anger in her eyes as she quickly approached me.

"I..." Oh man I don't know what to say. Before I can think of what to say, she embraced me with a tight and comforting hug.

"Oh Brae, you have no idea how worried I am."

"I'm sorry mom... I just-" Before I can finish, mom cut me off.

"What were you doing in the asylum?" She almost yells. Should I tell her? Ofcourse not.

"I wanted to visit dad, mom. I'm so sorry... I won't do it again."

"I understand Brae... Are you hurt though?" She questions, worry taking over her as she examines me from head to toe.

"No, I'm fine. I didn't know the way home so that's why I took this so late." I explained, the memory of my so called, close friend coming into my mind. I wonder what's going on with Luke rightnow.

"Oh Brae... Please don't ever leave like that again especially when you're alone." Oh I guess she didn't know I was with Luke.

"Though, were you really alone? Where's Luke? You both went out together." She adds.

Should I tell her about Luke... Ugh... Maybe I shouldn't. He's not worth it enough to be talked about. Hell yeah this was his fault. Well, mostly mine but still... Ugh.

"I went to the asylum alone. He went to 'who knows where.'" I lied, hoping that mom won't get this conversation deeper because I am totally having a hard time in thinking of an excuse.

"Oh well... But please next time Brae, don't do it again, okay? I even rushed to the police station because you still weren't home." Oh so that's why the door wasn't locked.
"I should call to inform them that you're here already." She smiles weakly at me as she rubs my arm.

"Okay mom." I smiled back and she gave me another hug. I totally love my mom.

"By the way, why was there a loud bang?" She asked curiously. That was Harry. Why is he getting me in trouble.

"I... Because... well." I stammered, finding the right words to say. "I kinda lost balance awhile ago then I fell and stuff but I'm fine now." I reasurred her with a fake smile.

She looks at me for awhile with suspicion but then she luckily brushed it off. "Oh well, what matters is that you're home safely."

"Thank you mom. I'm kinda sleepy now." I pretended to yawn.

"Ah I see. It's late anyway. Goodnight sweetheart." She kisses me goodnight and gave me one last hug ofcourse. Oh mom.

"Nighty mom!" I chirped, smiling widely at her and finally she walks away.

I immediately closed the door and locked it again. I turned to face my room and my eyes landed on Harry who was now laying down on my bed. No way!


Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter 😌😌😌 I'm going to start with the goals rightnow so I'll be updating when I get 10 views in this chapter. I hope it's not that hard to achieve ahah. I just think having goals can maybe help with the state of my fanfic if people are still interested in reading this so I hope you don't see it as taking advantage or whatever.

Anyways, Thank you so much for the people out there who's reading this rightnow. I love you guys so much 😘😘😘.

Please also read my other fanfics if you have time. Thank you!


Lub u pepz ❤️

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