Chapter 11.

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"So uh... You know where I live? Or-"

"I know." He sighed in annoyance as he rolled his eyes.

"How are you supposed to take me home without a car? It's not like I live in a walking distance."

Harry stopped walking and turns around to look at me. "Do you usually ask a lot? I mean, your father di-"

Wait! Father!? Shoot! I almost forgot about him knowing my dad. "What about my father?" I immediately asked him in a very strict tone. I really hope he'll answer this time.

He looks away from me and starts walking, leaving me so pissed. Did he just ignore me? Apparently.

"Hey! Harry, answer me!" I angrily yelled at him as I rushed in front of him. He looked tense and nervous as hell.

"You know what? Ask me one more time and I swear I'll fucking leave you here alone." He harshly told me through clenched teeth. Is he threatening me?

"Okay, fine! I'm not gonna ask you anymore." I snapped, throwing my hands in the air in frustration. I really have to go home and he's my only hope in doing that, so I'm not risking anything.

"You're so nosy as fuck." He complains as he starts walking again. He really swears a lot...

"Am not!" I protest, crossing my arms over my chest as I walk behind him.

"Just shut up." He muttered.

"Who do you think you are too ju-"

"God damn it! I said shut the fuck up! Is that too hard for you to understand?!" He yelled, his fist clenched tight as he turns to look at me.

I stared at him, a bit frightened. I can't believe I almost forgot that he's an insane guy from a mental hospital. Why did I even agree to let him take me home?

"Shit." He cursed as he runs his fingers through his hair, obviously frustrated.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? Just... Just don't test me." he sighed deeply, waiting for me to say something.

"All right." I mumbled, looking away from him. Oh man... What am I gonna do? I have to NOT go with him. Who knows what he'll do to me. Perhaps worse than rape...

"I... Change my mind..." I mumbled, nervously fiddling with my fingers. Ugh man... I want to go home, but not with him.

"You what?" He frowned as he looks at me intently.

"I'm going home by myself." I stated, waiting for his reaction. Here it goes...

"No." he immediately replied, glaring at me.


"I said no! I thought I said don't test me, Brae."

"I don't even know you." I frowned, a bit pissed on why he kept on telling me what to do as if he's my father. He has no right to just control me like that.

"I fucking don't care!" He hissed. Wow! He has a horrible temper.

"Well, you should, because you can't just tell me what to do. You're not my father." I shot back.

"Did I say that I am?!"

"No! But u act as if you are!"

"What the fuck Brae!" He growled which really made me step back a little. Wow that was really creepy...

"Just shut the fuck up and follow me!" He ordered. "Is that clear?!"

I slowly nodded, staring at him intently. I feel like crying but ugh why would I do that and let him see my fragile state.



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