Chapter 20.

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I squinted my eyes for a few times, trying to adjust from the brightness coming out of the window.

"It's about time."

I look over to where the voice came from to see Harry, sitting beside me on the bed. All the memories from last night, immediately rushed through my mind.

"What happened last night?" I ask in confusion as I sat up.

He looks away, obviously thinking for an excuse. "I forgot something very important in the pub so I went back there."

I furrow my eyebrows, attempting to read his mind if he was really telling the truth. He was avoiding my gaze so I believe he was lying. I shrug it off, not wanting to push Harry any further.

"Oh okay..." I nod, lowering my head.

I hear Harry clear his throat, trying to break the awkward silence between us. "I'm taking you home now." He quietly says.

"You're British?" I ask, noticing his strong British accent.

"Yeah." He nods, standing up from the bed.

"How'd you end up here?"

"I swear, every time I'm with you, I always feel like I'm in an interview." He smiles, his dimples popping, causing my cheeks to flush. Fuck.

"Sorry... I just can't help it." I sheepishly stated.

"Hmm." He hums and walks over to the door.

"Wait! I have to go to the bathroom." I exclaim as I hurriedly crawled out of bed.

"I'll wait for you in the car." He says before he went off.


My eyes wandered around the parking lot, searching for Harry. After awhile, my gaze landed on the curly haired boy, wearing a black tshirt with black Ray-Ban sunglasses. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, remembering the fact that he was wearing a white tshirt last night. He probably borrowed the shirt from one of his friends in the pub. Why am I making such deal out of this anyway. I seriously have issues with everything around me. I can't help but admit how extremely attractive he is though. He doesn't even try.

"What are you waiting for?" Harry calls out, snapping me out of my irrelevant thoughts.

I immediately rushed over to him and went inside the car. He started the engine and drove.

"I can't wait to go home." I muttered.

"Aww you don't want to see me anymore?" I hear Harry tease beside me as I glance over to him with a glare. I suppose the playful Harry is back.

"Yes, I absolutely don't want to see you anymore." I blurt out.

"Why not? Do I still terrify you?" He gives me a wink.

I roll my eyes. "Actually not anymore."


"Yes, really."

"How sure are you?" He questions as he bit his lip. I can't help but feel my cheeks heating up. Ugh... What is he doing to me.


"You have no idea what terrifying shit I could do to you." He sternly tells me, his gaze never leaving the road.

I gulp, fear over powering me. The way he just said that makes me want to jump out of this car. A minute ago, he was playful and annoying, and now he's serious and scaring me like what the fuck. He kinda has bipolar issues...

"Like what? Kill me?" I ask, my voice shaking. Hopefully it's not that evident.

"Even worse." He shots me a wink.

I look at him in disguist and fear. What more is possibly worse than being killed. Well, there are alot of different ways of getting killed so I guess he meant it that way. Though, I hope he wouldn't lay a single finger on me or I'll literally explode.


"Are we gonna see eachother again?" I quietly ask him, trying to avoid eye contact as I gripped the door knob. I have no idea why I asked that question but for some reason, something inside of me still wants to be with him which is really crazy.

He gave me a smirk as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Ofcourse. I still want to see that pretty little mouth of yours."

"Haha. I get what you mean." I say in sarcasm as I roll my eyes. He will definitely miss my interviews.

He laughs and shakes his head. "Oh god Brae."

"Uh so... Bye." I awkwardly wave my hand and instantly turned around to open the door. I was about to twist the knob but Harry interrogated me.

"You do know it's locked, right?" I hear his voice say behind me. I immediately blushed in embarrassment as I look over my shoulder to meet his emerald eyes. I'm so stupid. Why do I keep embarrassing myself infront of him. What's wrong with you Brae?

"I know." I force a smile, trying to cover up my embarrassment.

A soft chuckle escaped between his lips before he turns around and walks over to his car. Something instantly came up into my mind.

"Hey! Wait!" I exclaim, stopping him dead in his tracks.

He turns around to face me with a puzzled look. "What?"

"What happened to the car you stole?"

"I left it across the street." He nonchalantly responds like it wasn't even a big deal.

"It's not a good idea to just leave it there... Bring it with you."

"How am I suppose to drive two cars at the same time?" He asks, humor clear in his voice.

A exasperated sigh escaped between my lips as I rub my temples in frustration. "What the fuck Harry."

"Woah, let loose Brae. I was just kidding. Don't worry I'll call Niall to get rid of it."

"Good." I nod in agreement before I turn around and walk over to my house. This is such an overwhelming experience for me but atleast I felt something different. For once, I felt something more than I expected, and that is because of Harry.


Hey guyss!!!
I'm sorry for the boring chapter. I just didn't feel like writing this one but I hope you guys still enjoyed it.

This story is almost 1000 views and I can't wait for that at all. Let's work as a team and try to reach that ;)

Thank you for everything and for those people who read the very first chapter until this one. That really means the whole world to me.

Stay tuned for the next chapter :D and I love you guys so much!!! <3

Don't forget to


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