Chapter 1.

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I wrote this when I was like 13-14 years old so BEWARE. This story will not be edited anymore and will probably be so horrible when you read it. I just thought of posting it because I didn't want to waste my effort writing this fan fiction 3-4 years ago.You've been warned. This is very badly written.

Author's Note:

Hey there, fellow readers and writers, I have written this fan fiction up to 35 chapters and posted them, but decided to unpublish them all in order for me to edit and revise them neatly. I am kinda OCD, and considering the fact I had countless spelling mistakes, typos, grammatical errors, etc. in those past chapters, is quite triggering. It bothers the shit out of me so that's why I'm doing this process.

Don't worry, I will be posting the chapter/s that are revised and edited already. Please be patient.

Apart from that, I would like to make a DISCLAIMER;

This story is entirely FICTION so everything in it is NOT REAL. The events and characters in this fan fiction do not associate with One Direction. Also, this is COPYRIGHTED so please do not copy, make a duplicate, steal any of my ideas, and claim this story is yours. I really had a hard time making up an idea for this, and writing a story is extremely not easy so please be considerate. Furthermore, I did NOT copy nor steal from other stories. Any similarities are purely coincidental. This book is originally MY idea and is based off my own imagination.

Other than that, thank you all so much for clicking on this fan fiction. It totally means the whole world to me. I hope you will enjoy and continue reading it until the very end of this book. I love you all!

I swear this will get better throughout the chapters so please don't leave.

PS: Imagine that Harry in this fan fiction, is the Harry Styles 2013 considering he is still 19 years old in this book.


Brae's Point of View

Before slowly fluttering my eyes open, I blinked a few times, trying to grasp the condition that's currently happening outside. It's pretty odd how the weather changed so drastically. It was quite hot and sunny yesterday, and now it's raining like crazy. Droplets coming from the immensely dark sky were falling nonstop, and I can tell it won't stop anytime soon. Although, I kinda like the rain. It's quite soothing but unfortunately, it gets way too cold which I despise. Thankfully, it's not the same case right now.

A deep sigh escaped between my lips as I comfortably sit back on the couch, done with my little issue about the weather. The feeling of tranquility floating around the air, calming my senses. For once, I forgot about my dad . . . Every pain I felt of him being taken away and locked up in an asylum were all vanished. However, I know it's just as of this moment, then it will all come back again.

It's been 5 years ever since I've seen my own dad, and I couldn't help but wonder what's happening to him there. I terribly miss him . . . If only mom would change her mind. I don't even understand why she's prohibiting me in visiting my own father. I've asked her regarding this multiple times, but she doesn't give me an exact answer. Now and then, she would ignore my question and change the topic. That habit of hers, irritates me and at the same time, confuses the shit out of me. I'm old enough already. It's not like I'm five. Why can't she just simply give me the reason why I'm not allowed to visit the asylum.

Furthermore, mom is acting weird lately. She zones out more often, like she's drowning in her own thoughts every single day. It kinda gets me worried. Hopefully, she's just fine . . .

"Brae," a faint voice calls out, snapping me out of my thoughts, and I quickly look to where it came from. Mom.

She slowly approached me with a smile and reached out to grab my hand. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, wondering why she's acting like this. I'm seriously worried about her.

"I know that you've been yearning to visit your father for a long time now," she states, somehow avoiding eye contact with me. "And . . . I think it's time for you to finally meet him."

My eyes widened, the feeling of mixed emotions overwhelming me, as it was finally the time that I've been waiting for.

"What?" I breathed out, intently looking deep into her eyes as I try to spot any lies, but all I could see was . . . truth.

"We are going to visit your dad." She gives my hand a gentle squeeze as she flashes me a weak smile.

"Re-Really?" I practically squealed, excitement taking over me at this point.


"Oh god, thank you so much mom." I embraced her with tight hug, and she hugs back. This was utterly the best day so far. Finally, I'm meeting him - my dad . . .

"When are we going?" I enthusiastically ask her as we pull away from the hug.

A huge smile was plastered across my face as I wait for her to answer. Needless to say, this was difficult for her from what it seemed. She probably thought a lot about this before she agreed with me visiting dad. However, I'm still grateful that she finally did.

"Mom?" I place a hand on her shoulder, somewhat worried on why she's quiet all of a sudden.



This chapter sucks, I know. However, don't you worry, this will get better.

Anyhow, before you proceed with the chapter 2, I would like to make an important WARNING:



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