Chapter 9.

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-No Point of View-

"What the fuck Styles! You know you're not allowed to talk to the outsiders!" Nurse Hayley yelled angrily at Harry, who was clutching his stomach in pain.

"S-stop..." Harry pleaded as he closed his eyes tightly in agony. The pain was unbearable he can pass out any minute but he stayed strong not regretting anything. After he spoke to Brae, he felt something he haven't felt in years, and that feeling was beyond amazing, even though, Brae wasn't enjoying his company. But he needs to stay away from her in order for her to be safe.

"You're in big trouble, Harry. You know the consequences." Nurse Hayley seethed. "She is suspecting things that can put us all down! Do you even know her!?"

"N-no..." Harry breathed out, containing the pain. Though, he lied. He does know her but only because of her father. He would talk to him nonstop about her, he would tell him how much she's special and how much he loves her. Harry enjoyed listening about Brae. He would always wonder what she looked like and he was quite intrigued by her. Deep inside of him wants to know her better and more.

Nurse Hayley glanced to the male nurse who was the one causing Harry in pain. "Get him ready for his punishment." Nurse Hayley ordered.

The male nurse nodded before he took the glass of water and held it up to Harry's face. Harry had no choice but to drink the water to eliminate the creature inside of him. Once he finished gulping his drink, the pain slowly disappeared. He sighed in relief as he slowly fluttered his eyes open to see Nurse Hayley smirking menacingly at him.

"Are you ready for your consequence? You do know that the pain you were in earlier is not comparable to the pain you are about to endure. It'll be more agonizing."

A smirk grew upon Harry's lips, as he knew that this was the time for freedom and he already had a plan in mind. "I'm more than ready, Hayley. Actually, I can't wait." To get out of this fucking asylum, he thought.

-Brae's Point of View-

I scurried out of the asylum, hearing Luke yelling for me to stop, but I didn't. Instead I ran faster, eager to get away from the asylum and from Luke along with her slut. Shoot! I forgot, I don't know how to get home. I don't know how to ride a car and especially, I don't know this place. Way to go Brae. I'm such an idiot.

"How am I suppose to go home now...?" I mumbled under my breath as I stopped running.


"Ughhh!" I groaned in frustration as I kept walking forward, not knowing where to go. I've been walking for hours now. I feel like my legs are going to give out any minute. I should have brought my money with me so I can just ride a taxi. I'm such an idiot. I forgot to bring my phone too...

What time is it anyway? I raised my wrist up to my face, 5:43. It's getting darker... I'm in so much trouble. Mom's probably home right now. Is Luke even searching for me?

I stopped walking as I glanced around, searching for something to sit on. I need to rest first. As I kept searching, I finally found a small bench a few meters away from me. I walked towards it and sat down, a heavy sigh escaped between my lips. I'm so tired.

"Hey babe." A voice said from beside me, causing me to jump in fright. I immediately look beside me to see a man about 40 years old.

"Uh... Hi?" I mumbled, not knowing what to say and what to do. I probably look like a fool right now.

"You look bored, want to have some fun?" He smirked as he looked up and down my body.

"No thanks, I'm too tired to have fun." I replied, a bit rude.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." He shook his head. "You're no fun. Too bad it's not your choice." His evil smirk grew as he slowly approached me.

A sudden fear erupted in me. I feel my heart beat so fast and I feel my body shaking in fear. I have never experienced this- to be raped... I can't let that happen. I stood up, ready to run but he caught me on time. He wrapped his arms tight around my waist.

"Let me go!" I yelled as I tried to struggle to break free, but it was no use. He was too strong compared to me. I'm just a weak girl...

"Hmmm." He hummed into my ears as I feel him slowly lowering his hand on my back. He's gonna touch my butt!

I feel like crying, but I can't let him see me so weak. I struggled harder but his grip around me was too tight.

"Please..." I whispered, trying so hard not to cry.

He still contiued moving his hand down. This is it. I'm gonna lose my virginity and die...

"Let her go!" A sudden growl erupted from behind us.

The man immediately turned around to face whoever it was, me still in his filthy arms. My eyes widened in shock as soon as my eyes landed on the familiar curly haired boy. This can't be...

"Harry?" I whispered, in disbelief.

The only question that immediately came up into my mind was;

How did he escape?

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