Chapter 4.

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Brae's Point of View

Sucking in a sharp breath, he turns around, his weak figure shifting to face me. I couldn't help but let the dreadful thoughts corrupt my mind, knowing that anything bad could possibly happen once we both start talking.

The way my heart pounds against my chest . . . the way my world began spiraling in such an abnormal manner . . . the way everything seemed eerie - this was all surreal.

The moment his face was evidently shown, my eyes widened in pure shock and disbelief.

Who did this to him . . .

Scars were scattered all over his face and arms, others were even fresh scars. Bruises and cuts were dreadfully noticeable along with a busted lip and a black eye.

The sight was utterly horrendous, it makes me want to punch whoever did this to him. How did this happen to him?

"Da-Dad? Do you still remember me?" I croaked, already feeling my eyes watering.

As soon as he looks up at me with a blank expression, the feeling of disappointment instantly hit me straight on the face. My heart aches as I expected him to show more than just look at me with no emotion. No single care nor love was seen within his eyes as I try to search for any of those affection. Can't he at least give me a smile or hug? This is his moment to give me the love of a father I longed to feel ever since he was gone, but why give me this?

Why . . . ?

"Dad, please talk to me," I begged, tears already pouring down my face. The feeling of shame eating me up in the inside, knowing I couldn't cry now, not in front of my dad who clearly doesn't give a fuck.

I lowered my head in disappointment, aware that he wouldn't talk any time soon, but as soon as his mouth parted, the feeling of hope flooded back to me once again.


"Your time for visting is over, Ms. Harperson." The nurse unexpectedly interrupts dad as she grabs my arm, but I quickly flinched back.

"No! He was about to say something. Let him finish, please . . . " I desperately pleaded to the nurse who was already beside me, ready to drag me out of this room.

She ignored my statement and pointed her index finger at the door. "I said your time is over. Now, let's go."

"No!" I screamed, my attention diverting back to dad. "Dad, what is it?"

To my dismay, he doesn't answer. He gives me a brief look before his gaze averted.

All a sudden, I was dragged over to the exit, me completely taken aback. What just happened? My eyes went up to see nurse Hayley with a very furious look plastered on her face whilst gripping my wrist tightly. I suck in a sharp breath as the feeling of pain slowly forms around my wrist. How can an ordinary woman be this possibly strong.

Once, we reached the exit, she turns to face me with her nostrils flaring, me quietly gulping to myself.

"You obnoxious brat! You better not speak of this again. Especially not with your mother, is that clear?" she spits, her intense glare silently killing me in the inside.

"Why are you acting like this?" I talk back, mustering every ounce of courage I can possibly take as my eyebrows narrowed in confusion.

"Shut up and do what I say, otherwise you're dead."

I nod, my heart thumping erratically as I try to comprehend the unusual and ominous happenings that are still currently on going.

Do the nurses in this damned asylum usually act like this? If they do, then I better complain this to the owner or the manager . . . or whatever they prefer calling it.

Nurse Hayley gives me a deadly glare before she proceeds swinging the door open to reveal my mom with a hopeful look on her face.

"So?" she straightaway asks and came up in front of me. I was about to answer but Nurse Hayley beat me to it.

"Everything is okay, Mrs. Harperson, but unfortunately, your husband does no longer remember her . . . and that includes you," she says sympathetically "I'm sorry . . . "

I rolled my eyes, facepalming myself. Needless to say, she was only pretending to feel sorry. Plus, she was obviously lying when she mentioned dad forgot about me - about us. She was quite oblivious the moment she purposely interrupted dad from telling me something. Just thinking about the recent incident, makes want to fucking slap her straight across her bitchy face.

She was hiding something.

And dad is involved in this malicious secret they're trying to conceal . . . not only dad, but probably also the other patients in this fucked up asylum, and I can't let them get away with it that easily.


I'm sorry for not updating for so long. School unfortunately just started last Monday. Plus, I've been struggling with something. Problems keep getting bigger and bigger, and I don't know what to do anymore...

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed :) and thank you so much for reading.

Life's a bitch and don't quit.

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