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Chapter 15. I'm so proud of this story omg. Okay, Here it is.

Always: what if it doesn't work out? And we stop being good friends and are awkward around each other.

Harry: that isn't going to happen. I know it won't. I won't let it happen.

Harry: I don't know how I'm supposed to sum it up, cause words ain't good enough. You're better than words.

Always: that sounds vaguely familiar haha. Put that in a song and girls will go crazy.

Harry: ...

Harry: That's reason 1833991 to want to have you.

Always: what?

Harry: nothing Anna. So, what do you Say?

Always: I still have doubts but I think this could work. Really work.

Harry: Oh my gosh really?! Yayyyyyyyyyyyytyyyyyy

Always: that T ruined it.

Harry: oh hush up.

Harry: So I can call you baby and babe and love and we can skype and we can talk and I can sing to you and When we meet I can hug you and kiss you and snuggle you in cuddles and hugs and just hold you in my arms and dance around?

Always: I legit blushed after reading that. Wtf are you doing to me.

Harry: baby look what you've done to me. Baby look what you've done now.

Always: wow I know why you write songs. Put that in a song!!

Harry: :)))))) you're so cute.

Always: Harry! You little flirt.

Harry: Just for you


I don't even know. I think that would be the cutest thing ever and its pretty cliche but I'm a freaking cheeseball.

I don't been know what tf has happened to the story 😂😂😂😂 but oh weel

I don't been know what tf has happened to the story 😂😂😂😂 but oh weel

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K xx

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