Story of a Teenage Girl (Chapter 13)

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G'day guys and girls,

okay please dont hurt me but im about to do my final year exams for year 11 and i really need to pass maths so my brother (tony who is a pilot for the army) who is really good at maths is gonna help me and i have four more assignments due this week and i have to cater for a school awards night event type thing! bot my crushes are gonna be there too... im scared im gonna spill food on them. :S

anyway so i wont be posting till a little bit over the holidays cause after exams im studying so i can get my L's!!!! yeah people... im gonna be allowed to drive on the road! :D

i love you guys! :D



PS: thankyou April, Damia, FeeFee, Bek, Monica and a few others!!!

****** FAITH'S POV ******

Falkaan's facial expression was HILARIOUS! Priceless, bloody priceless.

He looked like he had just discovered the meaning of life!

I stopped laughing but still couldn't help smiling, even if I was about to get into a lot of trouble. Stupid macho men, always want to fight to 'prove' themselves. Pfft there just proving how stupid and pathetic they really are. Well that's what I think anyway.

I heard a gasp of surprise as I entered the office after Falkaan. (Seriously, what happened to ladys first? Oh wait... ladies did go first.)

I looked up and saw Aislinn-Jane standing at the front desk holding, what looks like, another new time table. I giggled at her; she was forever losing her timetable. Not to mention the fact has to pay 50cents for every new one.

A hand rested on my back, beckoning me to follow. I jumped and quickly pulled away. I looked up at the shocked face and instantly felt bad.

Falkaan looked sad. He had been the one trying to get me to follow him into the room. He didn't hide his feelings but just waved towards her doorway. He didn't touch me again.

I quickly sat down in the far right chair.

I didn't want to sit next to Jarred. My nerves were way too jumpy right now, being near him only makes it worse.

Ms Hues was already sitting behind her desk. "Ms Philips, could you please sit in the middle chair?"

It wasn't a question.

I hesitated. "Now." She said firmly.

****** FALKAAN'S POV ******

Faith hesitated.

At that Ms Hues took it as if Faith was trying to 'defy' her. "Now." She ordered, and Faith quickly complied.

I sat down in the seat that Faith had previously occupied and thought about her hesitation.

Well it might be because she didn't want to sit next to me? Well no, that doesn't work because she would have ended up sitting next to me anyway. Jarred? Yeah it probably was Jarred because he raped her. She looks really nervous from when I put my hand on her back. Wait... Damn it that's probably because of me!

Great now I want to punch something! How in the hell could I be so stupid?!?!

Man I am going to smarten up my act! Yep I am, I'm gonna make an oath to her and I'm not going to ever break it! And I have the perfect plan for when we leave this office. I will tell her then, when I take her to-

"MR CHARSSE! Would you like to join us anytime soon?!" Ms Hues yelled, successfully bringing me up from my trance.

"No." I replied coldly.

She looked at me. My answer had taken her completely off guard.

"What did you just say to me?" she asked in disbelief.

I leaned back in my seat and smirked at her. "You heard me. I said no. I'm leaving and you can't do a single thing about it."

I stood up, daring her to defy me.

She didn't do anything, she was speechless, she just sat there opening and closing her mouth like a fish.

I shrugged. I wasn't going to waste my time on trying to amuse her. I turned to leave and stopped in front of Faith.

"You coming?" I ask. She looked at me with a shocked expression.

Obviously she has never seen a student leave the vice principal speechless before.

"It's either you come with me or your left here with this bitch and a rapist who probably wants you back for round two. Your choice." I said whilst shrugging.

She quickly got out of her seat and stumbled to the door in front of me. I smirked, she was very clumsy.

We left the office without once looking back.

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