The Begining

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This story is about 2 lovers. Mr. Lacy and Michelle, Mrs. Weaver whale is infuriated with this couple. She wants Michelle all to herself and will do anything to make their love forbidden. With the power of MLG Mrs. Weaver whale will haunt Mr. Lacy and Michelle until she can get her sausage fingers on her one love. Michelle...
I started my shift at 6:30 a.m, I drove in my ugly ass pick up truck. To School. I got there before any of the little shits. I mean, students arrived. I got in the Go-Kart and dropped the cones, in their spot as I did every morning. My lover. Mr.Lacey Treated me with doughnuts. At first I confused him with the doughnut and nibbled on him a bit. We both giggled as I realized he wasn't my glazed doughnut. After coffee and doughnuts I drove in my Go-Kart. I couldn't understand how it supported my weight. As I said that, the Go-Kart collapsed under me and I rolled off of the remains, and into the quad. The students laughed at me as Mrs.Weaver came to my rescue and hissed the children away. I passed out and woke up in the infirmary. I woke up to Mr.Lacey sucking on my big toe. It threw me off guard so I kicked him in the balls. We giggled because we both know he was neutered. He kissed my tits and then I chuckled. I rolled out of the Infirmary and continued with my day. As I was eating my lunch. A.k.a the shit and bloody tampons left in the bathroom. I felt as if I was being watched. I shouted "who's there". Nobody replied. I turned and it was 3 girls recording me and saying "WORLD STAR" I then got frustrated and grabbed them by the throats. Then I gauged their eyes out with my tongue. They tasted good so I decided to eat them... Today was a good day...
I woke up at about 6:40 a.m I wanted to surprise my lover Michelle with Doughnuts. I got in my pedo van and drove to School. I hate it when the kids in the back scream for help. So I decided to slam the breaks so they would fly out the windshield, that'll shut them up. I continued my drive and parked right next to my lovers beat up vehicle. It reminded me of her vagina because it was so beat up and ugly. It made me a bit aroused. I bought all my lovers favorite doughnuts. Glazed like her voluptuous ass when I ejaculate on it. At first she confused me as the doughnut. I chuckled but in my mind I thought "wow, that fat bitch at it again" but I still lover her. Later on that day I heard she fell and passed out. I'm glad Mrs. Weaver was there to hiss at the students making fun of my lover. But although. I'm getting an odd feeling that Mrs.weaver is trying to steal my lover away from me. It made me mad. But I raced to the infirmary to suck on my lovers toe. She kicked me in the chorizo stick, but it's okay because Michelle doesn't know that I'm secretly a trans gender.. That's probably why she's in love with me. But I continued with my day. I heard that kids were making fun of my lover so I put them in the back of my van. I met up with my lover after school and grabbed her from behind. She let out a beautiful whale noise. It instantly made me hard. I fucked her back fat as I shoved my shock rod in her vagina. We both ended up cumming but during that time I felt as if we were being watched. Could it have been Mrs. Weaver?
I woke up in Shreks swamp as I got ready for the day. I drunk my favorite Mountain Dew drink as I sprayed myself with my Doritos fragrance. I rolled to school because I can't fit in a vehicle. I hid behind a wall as I watched my lover Michelle and my love rival Mr.Lacey fondle Michelle's back fat. I was extremely jealous and I screeched as loud as I could. They looked around but continued to do the naughty. She gave him a morning shit dick and dirty Sanchez. I felt a major pain in my heart. And no, it was not my daily heart attack or stroke. It was the pain of my hatred and jealously. I wanted to die. I felt so hurt at the sight. So I stretched my gams and rolled away. My Michelle is hurt radar rang off later on that day. I rolled to the sight and saw my love on the floor, as the students laughed I let out a banshee screech and they all ran away in terror and I instantly rolled Michelle to the infirmary. The nurse said she was gonna be okay but I felt something in my veins. No. It was not another blood clot or popped blood vessel. It was hatred and anger. I thought to myself "why didn't Mr.Lacey save her". Michelle doesn't realize how much of a better man I'd be to her. I'd tend to her needs and make her feel like the beautiful voluptuous BBW woman that she was. I'd let her wake up to KFC every morning, I'd give her morning blow jobs and fondelings. It made me sad imagining something I knew would never happen. I sobbed quietly. Today killed me... Later on that day I watched my prey Michelle get fucked by that putrid Mr.Lacey. I made a loud whale alert and as I watched them cum I couldn't help but to feel more anger. I could make Michelle feel like a princes. I felt my cheeks fluster as I knew. I will get her very soon. VERY

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