Large And In Charge

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J-Beal POV

Rolled to school with a big smile on my face, I was a superstar! My day was okay until I rolled into a pile of horseshit, from then on my day was 1,000 times better. I dragged myself into the school and saw two students dry humping in the bushes. I decided to do what any smart adult would do, recorded it and put it on PornHub. Teach those pieces of shits. Awe come on, don't be like "OMG that's awful"! We all know their parents didn't beat them hard enough. Anyway, as i continued my way into the school I saw Michelle with Lacey. How gross!!! I started to get hungry and walked to the breakfast line, we all know superstars don't wait in a line, so i shoved those little fuckers to the ground and made my way to the front, don't worry I made sure to give them my autograph. I decided to get some dog shit. That's my favorite, but I hate the way it made my teeeth look like a meth heads teeth, rotten and brown, didn't matter because i'm still banging hot! But as i made my way into the classroom the students stared me down and c...called me pretty, I was instantly shookith, like. I'm truly hurt, I ran out of the classroom crying as I rolled to the bathroom, I was about to end it all until I saw something beautiful. I..Is that Linda Clarke??? I shed a tear instantly.

Linda Pov

I decided that I was gonna visit MVMS to thank the woman who fought off the terrorists abnormal titty and beaver, we ended up bumping into each other in the bathroom, I was leaving a huge poo slug on the floor as a prank and Jenny slide right into it, it covered her face and she didn't even notice. I stuttered with my words as I asked her if she was Jenny Whale B and she said yes in an instant, I think she was a fan of mine because she cried a it, I wasn't sure why she was crying, "Hard day at the classroom" I said, she nodded and i pulled her into a hug, "Don't worry about those students, ill shoot em dead later". Jenny smiled and hugged me back, this hug was da bomb. We talked on the bathroom floor for awhile, we had a lot more in common then i thought. She was a pretty unique girl, she ate human flesh and dog shit, sounds french, cant wait to give it a try. Anyway, I had to go back to the FBI offices because I was battling Hillary Clinton, that bitch just wont die!!!!! I gave jenny a kiss on the forehead and disappeared into the night.

Jenny POV

I was so amazed that i had so much in common with a true goddess, We spent hours talking and not gonna lie, I think i'm gaining a crush on her. She said she had to leave and I was pretty sad, I even soiled myself, she kissed me on the forehead and said "wait for me" I said in reply "Of course sweetums". I couldn't believe she felt the same way. I sat there in my shart for hours after Linda had gone. I...I think I was falling in love again. I'm not sure if i can let myself. I ate some of my shart to comfort myself, I decided to spend the night in the bathroom because i guess there was an all you can eat buffet in there, I mean all my favorite meals were in there, used tampons, shit, children. And I could wash it all down with my favorite soft serve, piss. I was happy that Linda was here, I would've killed myself if it wasn't for her. I was forever in her debt.

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