Sinful Sorrows

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I knew what Mrs.Weaver was about to do, I mentally prepared myself by letting out a whale noise, she then gave me her famous "purple nurples" I let out a beautiful Yelp and It instantly made Mrs.Weaver erect. I didn't know she had a penis up until now. It was an interesting discovery. Mrs. Weaver untied me and she opened her hand softly, I grabbed it and followed her to the bathroom, their laid the Pacific Ocean. That was the only type of bathtub that was big enough for the two of us, Mrs. Weaver turned on the jets in the bath and it was romantic. The tub had L.E.D lights and it warmed up to whatever temperature we wanted, we then had a night of lust. We explored our bodies like two archeologists looking for bones. And yes, we found that T-Rex. I knew it was wrong to be cheating on Mr.Lacey, but it felt so right. I think I'm gaining feelings for Mrs.Weaver... We kissed goodbye and I knew my world was about to change.
My shlong dong grew erect as Michelle let out her Yelp. I don't think she knew I had a penis but I'm sure she was okay with it. I decided to make the night more romantic, so I untied Michelle and brought here to my bathtub. A.K.A the Pacific Ocean. She loved the L.E.D lights and the jets. After our night of lust I kissed her goodbye. I was thinking if she had feelings for me, the thought of her having feelings for me is better then joining Faze Clan. The thought of her loving me made me feel like a brand new woman. I was excited for our time to come. Michelle, please don't make me wait long. I agonized.
I got home at 1:30 a.m I opened the door to see Mr.Lacey in a panicked state, he ran to me and hugged me. I wondered what was wrong. "Mr.Lacey, what's wrong" he said "The fact that you were gone all night is what's wrong" "I bet you were with Mrs.Weaver!" I gasped silently. How did he know. I knew I shouldn't have let myself fall for Mrs. Weaver. Is she trying to pull me and Mr.Lacey apart?  Does she want him all to herself? I then hugged Mr.Lacey and sobbed. We talked about what happened and he was kind enough to take me back. Our love for each other is stronger then anything and Mrs. Weaver will never get in between it. That night I had my way with Mr.Lacey, knowing.. She was present.
I got home around 10:00 p.m, noticing Michelle wasn't in bed I became frightened. I waited until 12:00 p.m and I got even more scared, I started crying because I thought she left me, finding out I'm a trans-jenner. But then. I thought to myself "WEAVER". That cunt bag. I knew she was trying to take my one love away. I sat on the couch and waited for Michelle. My love. I felt jealously and pain.
After Michelle went home, I ate some left over Mc.Donald's while I thought to myself "Wow, Their portions get smaller by the day I swear". I felt something boiling up inside. I knew Mr.Lacey was there with my love. I rolled to her house faster then sonic the hedge hog. I hid upstairs and listened to them talk. As I heard Michelle say "Mrs.Weaver will not get in between out love" I sobbed. Hard. I just felt that everything I've done had gone to waste. But I knew. I just had to try harder. I felt excruciating pain in my soul. I loved Michelle more then I loved Food. And that is saying as lot. I rolled home and sobbed even more. At least shrek was there to comfort me. After sobbing I grew tired because crying is a lot of energy, I felt my eyes become heavy and I then drifted off into a slumber

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