Dirty Little Secret

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I woke up with Mr.Lacey sitting on my face, we were playing train so I decided to make a "choo choo" noise. I felt a poo slug go into my mouth, I loved it so much. It tasted like top ramen. It was yummy yummy in my tummy. I wanted to please Mr.Lacey because I felt bad about the dirty little secret I was keeping from him, I couldn't stop thinking about my lustful night with Mrs.Weaver, my face turned hot as I continued to eat his poo slugs. I wonder what my life would be like with Mrs.Weaver being my number one. I got up and drove to school thinking about it, as I was driving down the long road that lead to the school I saw something in the middle of the road, it was foggy so I couldn't really see. I accidentally ran over whatever the species was, I heard a whale noise so I knew exactly what is was. Mrs.Weaver, I kept driving because I didn't want her to know that I hit her, I felt a shiver go down my spine because I was hoping Mrs.weaver didn't know it was me. If she was to ask, I'd blame it on Lacey. I thought to myself.
I wanted to surprise Michelle so I sat on her face, she woke up and began to eat my fecal matter, I loved it when she treated me like a princes. I wonder what was going through her mind. Her face felt warm on my ass cheeks so I knew she was blushing, she looked flustered when she was about to leave to school. I wonder if she was thinking about Mrs.Weaver. I got to school and Mrs. Weaver was giving me the evil eye, I was wondering why she was mad, I didn't ask her because I felt like she was gonna eat me. I continued on with my day. I had to deal with some fuckers today. I mean students who were calling Michelle Thick. Michelle is not thick. She is a beautiful woman with an hour glass shape and I don't know why people can't realize that. I began to get angry over the thought of people not thinking Michelle was beautiful. Because even though she is 20,000 pounds. She was a beauty. I decided to ask Michelle if we could meet up behind the school to do the naughty, when we met up I made her get on her knees. I fucked her double chin as I put a meat cleaver up her pussy. She loves pleasing me. She's such a good girl. Before I cummed in her face I punched her in the nose and as she blead I cummed in her face so it looked like a strawberry shortcake, I'm not gonna lie but it really turned me on seeing her like that. I knew Mrs.Weaver was watching. It's always better with an audience. Michelle will be mine... Forever.
As I was rolling to school, I saw something in the road. A dead moose. I had only eaten 1,000 big Macs, so I was pretty starving, I feasted on the moose as I heard a car come, I glared it down like a deer in headlights. The car hit me and I flattened like a pancake, then my body popped back into a round volumptuous circle. I didn't feel complete so I had to eat a whole mc.Donald's so I can re-gain my body rolls. I feel like a man from Mc.Donalds has a crush on me. He always knows my order and he always licks his lips when he sees my camile twah. His name is Michael, he's a fat bald redneck and he looks like a Potato, I knew him as a child, he gave me un-popped popcorn on Halloween and I hated him ever since, and plus, he couldn't handle all my volumptuous-ness, but I knew he had i crush on me. But maybe I was falling for him too? "No" I thought to myself. "I can't" "my one love is Michelle". I rolled out of Mc.Donald's and headed to school. I knew Michael was looking at my backwards ass. I glared down Mr.Lacey because I knew he hit me with his car, I should have just sharted in his face and killed him then and there. But I knew, my shart would flood the whole school. I over heard Mr.Lacey and Michelle talking, they were going behind the school to do the no no, I ultra stretched my gams and followed them like a silent ninja, even though the earth would collapse where I took a step. But I was so fat I was quiet. I was going to kidnap Mr.Lacey when he was alone.. Look out Mr.Lacey..... I'm coming.. For you... Really...soon.

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