Undenyable Lie

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After doing the naughty with Michelle I went to my office to clean up my dick, I walked in to see Mrs.Weaver laying on the desk, nude with rose petals and candles surrounding her. I asked her "Mrs.Weaver, what are you D..doing?" She said "do you like what you see" "do you like my body rolls?" I nodded  and after Mrs.Weaver wiggled a bit, the desk collapsed and she fell to the ground. She started Squealing like a pig because she couldn't roll on her stomach to get up, I helped her her up and she said "follow me big boy". I fell into temptation and followed her outside. She hit me over the head and I passed out. I woke up in a torture room and saw Mrs.Weaver in the shadows, because let's be real. You can see her fat ass from Mars. I thought this was just a kink so I went along with it. Mrs. Weaver put her pussy in my mouth, I almost passed out because the fragrance was so bad, it smelt like dying Ugandan children and Doritos. She then chopped my tongue off and used it as her dildo. I cried in pain as I watched her. Why must she torture me. I'd rather have her end my life instantly, rather then her agonize me physically and mentally before I die. MRS. WEAVERS POV
I tried my best to look sexy for Mr.Lacey, I laid on his desk and when he walked in, I knew I looked hot, and I knew he liked what he saw, I moved a bit because I wanted to put my ass in the air but all failed and the desk collapsed because It couldn't support my volumptuous-ness, I fell and squealed like a pig because I couldn't get up, then Mr.Lacey helped me, I lured him outside and hit him over the head with my belly fat. He then passed out and I brought him to my dungeon. Tonight was his final night alive. As he woke up I put my juicy pussy in his face, just so he'd see something beautiful before he died. I might have had a yeast infection but it made my pussy smell even better. I chopped off his tongue and used it as a dildo, I got tired of him screaming in pain so I turned on some beautiful music. "Babe squirt remix". I then chopped Mr.Laceys fingers off one by one, I got tired of him screaming so I shit in his mouth to keep him quiet, I then cut his stomach open and I put a porkie pine inside, it really fucked him up, I chuckled as I watched him bleed to death. I then feasted on him. There was nothing left but blood on the floor, but I used it for lube. So yeah, it's like "fuuuuuuk". That's what he gets for trying to be with my lover Michelle. Michelle is my precious. I am one step closer to making her mine. I vowed to myself that I would kill anyone and anything in my way of getting to Michelle. She will.. Be mine... Soon.

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