My Big Fat Weaver Wedding

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                                                                                      MRS WEAVER POV

it was a warm sunny day, the day Michelle and I were gonna get married. It took us about 6 months to plan our spectacular wedding . The venue took place at our beloved restaurant. Mc.Donalds. We agreed to keep the wedding high class and fancy so we only servers Big Macs and Chicken nuggets. Micheal Shuck was prepping up the food as we decorated the Mc. Donalds. We hung up streamers and banners and we had tears in our eyes because it looked so beautiful. I had a feeling that Michael was jerking off behind the counter because he kept staring at my ass. I knew he couldn't help it because i'm just that moistning. I hugged Michelle and kissed her. She was my princes and i loved her more then words can say. Above the entrance we decided to put something beautiful and meaningful there. We hung up a "Live Laugh Love" poster there because that quote is just so inspiring. The wedding was going to start in about an hour. My Bridesmaid was Isiah and Adele. My best man was my best friend Mrs.Ennce, she was my chocolate rain, she was a black beauty. I was feeling blessed to have her in my life so i updated my Facebook status to "Felling Blessed". I picked out the best suit there was. It costed me $10 and it was mostly made out of trash bags and saran wrap. Thats okay because i loved the way it made me look. I looked exactly like a honey bun. I was felling hot and i was ready to marry the love of my life. The wedding started and my father. "Moby Dick" walked me down the isle, people say we look alike. Its soy ironic because we probably weigh the same amount. As we walked down the isle. The ground shook but people didn't mind. Michelle looked at me and started crying because i looked so good. Right when i got to her i hugged her tight. She was wearing a potato sack and boy did she look sexy. She whispered into my ear "Im not wearing panties". It made me soy moist. 


Today was the day i was gonna marry my one love. Mrs.Weaver. I got dressed and helped her with the decorations. I was moist the whole time. i couldn't wait to fuck her. Fast forward to the wedding. All our friends and family was there. Including my love affair. Its okay because hes a dog. He helped me through my lonely nights if you get what i mean. I never have peanut butter in m house anymore. When the wedding began i watched my lover walk down the isle. She looked like a honey bun and it made her look so hot. I was extremely moist. I felt it go down my leg. I blushed. And when she came to hug me i decided to be a tease and whisper "Im not wearing panties". I hoped it made her moist. I was wearing panties but my pussy sucked them up like spaghetti. After we said our vows, I had to make an announcement. Mrs. Weaver didn't realize it, but I wasnt Michelle. I was secretly Dwayne the Rock Johnson. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN.

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