The online asshole

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Today was a rainy day so MVMS decided we could take the day off, I was scrolling on my laptop all day and I seen a new Instagram direct message. It was from a terriost named Abu, she told me "How dare you make fake accounts about my family" I didn't even know what family she was talking about until it hit me, Hillary Clinton's evil minion. I was just joking around about a year ago and made a fake account about her. Abu told me that I was so fake and I could cash her ouside. Abu was a terrifying monkey like creature. It crawls on all fours and her tits sag to the ground. She also looks like hot acid was thrown at her face. I didn't know what to say. I was scared. But oddly very moist
Today I had a day off at my school and I wanted attention. So I hoped on my $10,000 iPhone and looked for trouble. I'm a die hard Hillary clit supporter and I saw someone making fun of her! If your opinion wasn't the same as mine I'd hunt you down and eat your genitals. This woman named Mrs.Weaverbeal was making fun of my lover. I knew it was an easy way to get attention so I obviously started it with her, I called her an attention whore and I TEEHEED to myself. My insults are so bad I make myself giggle. So I wanted even more attention. I punched myself in the eye balls and started sobbing, my lover alookiz (also a terriost) came up to me and hugged me from behind and asked me what was wrong. I said I was just so depressed and I slit my wrists with a Big Mac and looked up "Emo songs" and started crying to them. I knew I was gonna get the attention I always get. HEHE
Mrs.Weavers POV
I was done dealing with this online cunt Abu, im a master moist hacker so I found where she was. I rolled to her house and i was about to battle her to the death. She shivered in fear and said "please don't hit me, I just talk mad shit online but I won't actually fight you because I'm a scared little cunt". That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I shoved shit down her throat but she liked it. So I had to figure out something she didn't like. MEN!! I threw Justin Timberlake at her and she yelled in pain. She shriveled up and said "IM MELTINGGGG" I stomped on her lovers skull right in front of her. They both died so my day was pretty accomplished. I was not gonna eat them because they were disgusting leasbeans. I rolled home and I teeheed to myself. My day was fun but I missed MVMS. I had no need to fear, I was gonna be there tomorrow. Hehe, but I knew my fight with Abu wasn't over. Sense he is Satan herself she's obviously gonna come back for me. But that was a battle I was ready to fight.

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