Edible Anus Chocolate

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M.MICHELLE!! What was that!? I slapped her in the tit. She apologized and blushed. I guess my yelling awakened someone. I saw them in a mobility scooter riding around the kitchen. I yelled "hey hot wheels", the scooter turned and I was in instant shock. Trent Lacey, that asshole just won't die. He pressed a few buttons on his scooter and said "hello Jenny". I guess he's like Stephan hawking now. Not gonna lie it made me damp, After awhile of talking I went home. I checked my laptop and scrolled through my instant Ghram, I saw that I had a direct message, it was from abnormal titty. That kunta kince just won't quit. She called me Emo. I sobbed to myself, it wasn't just a phase, I grabbed my favorite razor, a.k.a a plastic spoon and started to go ham on myself. My skin was red, that's how much that hurt. I decided that enough was enough, I made some of my famous edible anus chocolate, I snuck some straight men and holy water inside of the chocolate. TEEHEE, I knew she was a hardcore lesbean, she always was licking her terrorist lips at my bangin hot bod. I knew if I let her have her way with me, my vag would be the twin towers and she'd be the plane that crashed into them. Discursting. Anyway, I wondered what happened to her special ed lover beaver. I think she's still raping that poor flagpole AHHHH WAR FLASHBACKKSKSKSKSSSS" sorry sorry. I rolled to the bitches house. She lived on a mountain and was pretty rich. I ringed her doorbell and she didn't answer, I peeped into the window and saw her rubbing her anus to pron. she was watching "2 cousins, one buffalo" I puked onto her edible anus  chocolates. I knew it would add a nice touch, she finally opened the door. She gave me her usual snotty look. Maybe her face was just permanently that fucked up? Anyway, I held out the chocolates and I offered them to her, she grinned and took them instantly, "there's only one thing I love more then my cousins..food" she said. She shoved them in her ass and giggled. I gave her a triple titty twist and I slapped her across the face. She looked me in the eye and said "YOU'RE NOT APART OF MY FAMILY UNLESS YOU'RE KISSING MY ASS YOU PUSSY. PUSSYYY. PUSSYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!". Again what's with the shouting her favorite thing to eat? I think she actually is special ed. I gave her one last shart in the eye and walked off, she sobbed and ate her chocolates out of her anus. Hopefully that will end her once and for all, I giggled. I decided to give MVMS a visit because I was pretty fucking bored. I decided to visit Michelle's OCS room and when I walked in, she was doing the naughty with Trent. She was sticking his wheel chair in and out of her anus. I was so devastated. I ran out and found my way to the quad. I didn't feel like taking anyone's shit right now. But of course a stupid nigga er aka beaver ran up to me and said "IM READY TO FIGHT YOUUUU" she was like a month late. I bashed her head against the concrete and told her to fuck off. She cried and said "IM TELLING MY DAD ON YOU HES PART OF THE HILL.BILL.I.A" I said "hill.bill.i.a has gone bankrupt. There was a new agency group called the F.M.C's (the fat Mexican children)" they catfish people into thinking they're attractive but they're actually fat Mexican children. Beaver sobbed because she wasn't gonna be popular anymore. All the children laughed and teased her. They decided that they were gonna see who could be the first to pee in her mouth from a 2 foot distance. I competed myself and lost to that fucking beatch Mr.Cooper. It's okay because we shared a teehee and a finger fucking. I sharted my way home and wrote about my day on my blog. I can't believe I had 3 reads already. I was fucking...f..famous!!

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