Lustful conjuring

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after I killed Mr.Lacey I ultra violently stretched my gams and rolled to school. I saw my lover Michelle and I felt flustered, she smiled at me and I blushed and giggled like a Japanese girl. She pinched my cheeks and I blushed even harder as she called me her pudding cream pie. I'm glad I had killed Lacey. I knew then and there I would have Michelle all to myself. Michelle asked me to do the naughty, I couldn't wait. As we were fucking I saw my new love rival Baretta Hagen peeping in. I saw her eating herself out and as she got stuck, I giggled. I must admit. I had the Baretta Hagen Blues. I was so jealous that Michelle rushed to her assistance. I was done with the tears. I rolled down the hall into the. Janitors closet and I took the gun and shot my heart. I heard that if you were over 1,000 pounds you can deflect bullets but I clearly wasn't 1000 pounds, as I shot bullet after bullet, they kept deflecting. I became depressed and put on some My chemical romance and slit my wrists, but instead of blood, it was Big Mac sauce. I cried for the rest of the night. Alone.. And scared.
I drove to school once again in my shitty pick up truck as I saw Mrs.Weaver, she looked so beautiful today. I smiled at her and I grew wet as I saw her blush. My acidic pussy juice got into the floor and burned a whole through it, I covered it up with my fat so Mrs. Weaver couldn't see how wet I got. I pinched her cheeks and I giggled. She was so cute. I think I was going to ask her out soon. She's beautiful. She makes my heart sing. I asked her if she wanted to do the naughty. She shook her head and I got on my knees and let her fuck my nostril, i loved the feel of her dick penetrating my nostril, I grabbed me strap on and we did a 69 position as I penetrated Mrs. Weaver's ear lobe I cummed on her cock by blowing my nose, as snot went all over her cock I sucked her like a slim Jim. I nibbled on it a bit. It was hot. I didn't want this moment to end as I saw my other lover Breatta Hagen peeping in the door. She was eating herself out and then she got stuck in that position and we rushed to help her. I was scared.. I shed a few tears, but instead of tears, they were tears of grease. I licked the tears and they tasted really good... Mrs. Weaver disappeared but I didn't really care, after helping Breatta, I comfort her by taking her to KFC, we dined like kings for the rest of the night, although. I kept finding clothes in my chicken.. Weird...

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