Imagine 1-Niall

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You come home from work excited to see Niall. It's been 2 months since you last saw him. You gently lie on the bed and smile because he looks so peaceful and happy in his sleep.

Niall's phone rings, waking him up. Niall answers his phone and mouths 'hey babe'. You smile and patiently wait for him to get off the phone. When he ended the call he pulled you into his arms and buried his face in your neck.

"When did you get here?" he asked.

"A few minutes ago. If you wanna sleep I can go." you said looking into Niall's crystal blue eyes.

"I do wanna sleep. But I wanna sleep with you in my arms." Niall said making you smile like a dork.

"Well we have about 2 hours then we have to pick up Jack from school." You said

"I'll take it!" Niall yelled pulling you under the covers and close to him.

Niall and your baby brother, Jack, get along so well. Niall drives your car to Jack's school. You both walk into the office to get Jack. About 5 minutes later Jack comes walking around the corner with the student that went to get him. When Jack saw Niall he ran up to us. Niall and Jack played until we got to the car. Niall drives to the park and you watch the two of them play and think about how great of a dad Niall will be.

This was the first imagine I hope you liked it!!

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