FIRED?! Pt.1-Liam

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You and the boys have been friends for the longest time. They just got back from tour and decided to go out. They invited you but you said 'No' because you had to work the next day. You were sleeping when your phone buzzing woke you up.

"Who the HELL is texting me at 2 A.M.?!" you said to yourself. You grabbed your phone off the bedside table and opened the text.

L.P.: 'Heyy!! Beaudifil'

(Y/N): 'Li are you drunk? Do I need to pick up?'

L.P.: 'mey namee iss not drunk ist Laim.'

(Y/N): 'Alright you're drunk. I'm on my way.'

L.P.: 'NO. I'm kust fine'

Before you could reply you recieved another text.

L.P.: '(Y/N) can you come get Liam? He is completely smashed and dancing on the tables. Please get here soon.-Louis.'

With that you get jeans and a hoodie on and left. When you got there you called Liam.

"HEY (Y/N)!!!" He slurred out.

You had to pull the phone away from your ear because he was yelling.

"Hey Li-" you started but you got cut off.

"Hey (Y/N) are you here?" Louis asked.

"Yeah" you simply replied.

"Alright we're on our way." He said then hung up.

You sighed and waited for them. A few minutes went by and you saw Liam hanging off of Louis while Louis was guiding him through the sea of paps.

Liam saw you and tried to walk to you but stumbled over his own feet. Both you and Louis caught him. Liam clung to you as Louis helped get him into the car. The paps were surrounding the three of you and shouting questions.

"I'm sorry you had to come get him." Louis apologized after Liam was in the car.

"It's fine. He'll be paying tomorrow when he has a massive hangover." you said and both of you laughed. 

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Louis asked hugging you.

"Yeah." you replied getting into your car.

Liam fell asleep on the way to your house. When you finally got him into the guest bedroom you put a pain killer and a bottle of water on the bedside table.

//In the Morning//

You woke up to get ready for work, before you left you checked on Liam. He was still sleeping so you left a note on the counter in the kitchen. You got to work and after about an hour of working your boss called you into his office...he fired you.

When you got home you slammed the door to ensure Liam was awake.  He came running into the living room. He looked worried until he realized. You were angry.

"(Y/N) What's wrong?" He asked.


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