Small Town Love- Niall

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A/N: This will be Niall's tour, the boys will be mentioned but, this is an AU where Niall is on tour with his newest album. One Direction will still be on hiatus. I don't know if this makes any sense but, hopefully it will after you read it. Anyway ENJOY!

P.S. Please, please, please vote/comment what you think about me using first person p.o.v. or if I should go back to using third person p.o.v.



"Next week we will be doing promo for the tour, then you've been asked to perform at the AMA's so we will definitely be making time for that in our schedule..." My manager was going on and on, I tuned her out, which probably isn't a great idea but I need a break.

When I finally come out of my daze, Kathrine is staring at me, shit. She knows I wasn't listening.

"Okay. I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed. Wake me when we get to Boston." I said leaving before I get a lecture.

I finally fell asleep, but before I knew it we had stopped. "Niall we're getting some food, do you want anything?" I hear after a knock.

I don't say anything, hopefully she'll think I'm asleep, because if I say no she'll know something's up. Eventually I hear her sigh then leave. I watched as everyone got off the bus to get dinner. I decided to go for a walk, they're going to be in there for a while anyway.

I walked around a corner keeping my head down. I hear screams and a few 'Oh my god's', so I lift my head. I can deal with a couple fans, ya know take pictures, sign some stuff, then be on my way. However, this was more like a huge group of fans, like crazy fans. Shit! I turn and run. After running until I'm out of breath, I stop and look behind me. I don't see anyone, good. I look around and I realize I have no idea where I am. This could be a problem.

I continue to wonder around not seeing many people. I pass by a gas station, maybe someone will be in there that can help me.  I see a girl, about my age, putting gas in her car.

"Hey." I say. Wow she's a lot prettier up close. Focus Niall, Focus.

"Um...Hi" She seems confused, but she gives a wary wave.

" I'm lost and I was hoping you could tell me where I am?" I asked

"How could you get lost here?" A small laugh fell from her lips.

"I was just stopping here...On a road trip." I pull off. "However, I took a walk and now I'm lost..." I trail off

"Oh, well. you are on  South Washington street." She replies.

"Okay, South Washington.... alright, well, um anything else?" She laughs at my stupidity

"Do you need a ride to wherever you are obviously supposed to be? That is if you know where you're supposed to be?" She asks

"Yeah." I say probably too enthusiastically

"Okay" She smiles.... It's a brilliant smile. "Where are you supposed to be at?" She asked before pulling away from the gas pump.

Ohhhh Nialler!
Part 2 coming soon!!!

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