Skipping Class-Louis

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Today is the last day of testing. You studied all night with your boyfriend, Louis. He knew how nervous you were about this test. You finished your test and was waiting for class to be dismissed. You were pretty confident about your answers, but still nervous. You heard faint tapping by the door.  You look to the door and see Louis through the glass. The teachers weren't supposed to let anyone out of class so you were wondering how he managed to get out of class. You decide to take a chance and ask the teacher of you could leave. Surprisingly he said yes, he also showed you your test score. You got a 100%! You smiled and left the room with your stuff. After the door closed you hugged Louis.

"What was that for?" Louis asked as you both were walking down the hallway.

"I got a 100 on the test!" you say with a huge smile.

"See I told you that you could do it! You had nothing to worry about." Louis said joining the rest of the guys. "Hey the guys and I are ditching. You in?" Louis asked

"Um...yeah. I don't have any other tests today. Where are we going?" you asked looking at the others.

"Mall?" Liam suggested. Everybody nodded their heads in agreement.


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