Mr.Horan- Niall

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You are an assistant for THE Niall Horan, you also happen to be his girlfriend. Niall owned the biggest finance company in all of Europe. He is looked up to by many, you included.

You walk into his office with papers he needed for his meeting, and some that needed signing. As you walked towards him, he looked up from his computer with the biggest smile. You set the papers in front of him.

"I need you to sign these papers Mr.Horan." you say with a smirk, knowing he hates being called 'Mr.Horan' by you.

He finished sighning the papers and glanced up at you with a brief death stare. You let out a laugh and he shook his head.

"C'mere." He said gesturing with his hands.

As soon as you get beside his large desk, his large hands pull you in between his legs, then lift you onto the desk.

"What do you think about a date tonight?" He asked looking up at you with his hands on your hips.

"Hmmm, I'll have to check my schedule. I think I already have a hot date." you smirk down at him.

"Funny I do too and she's gonna take off early to go get a sexy ass dress." Niall replied playing along.

"Well, if you insist." you say dramatically.

"I do." He simply said.

You bend down to his ear and say "what time is our date?" playing with the collar of his dress shirt.

A shiver goes through him before he responds.

"When I get home and your beautiful ass is ready." you smile and kiss him.

He kisses back, but tries to deepen the kiss. He pulls you into his lap when you wouldn't let his tongue into your mouth. You pull away and shake your head.

"You have a meeting to get to." Niall groaned.

"They can wait, I have more important matters in my lap at the moment."

"Well that 'important matter' will be here when you get back" you fired back.

He sighed and lifted you off of his lap and stood up while you took the papers.

"Do you have to make copies of those?" Niall asked.

"Yes" you responded already knowing what he is up to.

He grabbed your hand and walked to the door. He held the door open and you both walked through. You walked hand in hand to the meeting room which is located across the hallway from the meeting room. As you let go of Nialls hand to go to the copy room and grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him, and gave you a light peck.

"I'll see you after the meeting" Niall said and you nodded in response.

He smiled and stole one last peck before jogging down the hallway to the door to the meeting room. You bite your lip and giggle watching him. Shaking your head you turn into the copy room. Walking out of the copy room you see Niall staring at you through the glass window. He winked at you causing you to blush and scold him playfully.

After 3 hours of answering calls, scheduling meetings, responding to e-mails, and filing papers, Niall finally came back. You felt arms wrap around your waist and pull you close. You smile and close the filing cabinet.

"I always knew that I would have a sexy assistant." he said in your ear and kissed your temple.

"You're in a good mood. I take it the meeting went well." you say turning around in his arms.

"Indeed it did. So are you ready to go get ready for tonight." he asked.

"Yeah, i just need to-" you were interrupted by Niall

"-Leave? I agree. Whatever work it is can wait" Niall finished for you.

"Alright" you gave in knowing you weren't going to win that argument.

He kissed you then sent you on your way.


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