Zayn Leaving-Louis

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The guys were on tour, with many shows left, when Zayn decided to leave the band. The guys came home to re-evaluate the situation.

At the time you were dating Louis. Every time you talked to him he was very very upset. When Louis got back home his eyes were blood shot. You immediately pulled him into a hug not only to comfort him but also because you haven't seen him in months. Louis wrapped his arms around you and cried into your shoulder. You finally convinced him to sit on the couch. You left to make him tea. When you came back Louis was curled up on a ball crying. You sat next to him and comforted him the best you could. He crawled over and placed his head in your lap you stroked his hair until he fell asleep.

When the rest of the boys came over to talk about what was gonna happen they all had red puffy eyes. Zayn leaving took a toll on all of the boys. They came to the conclusion that they weren't going to stop touring or end the band, they just needed time to recover and distribute Zayn's solos. After a week Louis left feeling much better, but still hurting. They continued the tour and with great success.


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