Good Morning- Niall

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Niall and I had celebrated my birthday the day before because he had to record his new album. I am totally supportive of his career and I was just happy to spend time with him.

I know he felt bad, even though I have told him it's not a big deal at least a thousand times. I woke up and didn't feel his arms around me. I felt around the bed to feel something that was definitely not Niall. I turned over to see a big bouquet of roses with a note attatched.

I'm so so sorry I couldn't be with you for your birthday :(, but I will call you later. I love you. XO XO XO XO.

After reading and re-reading the note I decide to get dressed. After I was dressed, and had cleaned up the flat a bit, my phone rang. I picked up the phone without checking the caller ID.

"Get ready, I'm picking you up in an hour." It was Liam. He hung up, so I couldn't protest or ask questions.

It's Liam, Daddy Direction, I mean I'm in good hands, Right? Eh, why not? Niall won't be back until tonight.

I started getting ready which didn't take long since I was already half done. After doing my make-up and hair, I watched a bit of Grey's Anatomy. I finished an episode and Liam knocked on the door, or should I say pounded. I opened the door and Louis yanked me out of my house.

"Oh c'mon mate. That's not necessary." Liam said pushing Louis away from me. I laughed and Liam opened the passenger door then Louis got into the drivers seat. I look in the back seat to see Zayn and Harry are here too.

"Hey guys!" I said waving at them. They waved back with knowing smirks.

What are they up to?

We pull to a stop behind a big building.

"Stay here." They all say then get out. Okkkaayyy. Now I know something is up.

I sat waiting for about 5 minutes, then my door open, Niall stood there smiling like an idiot.

"NIALLER!" I yelled hoping out of the car. I hugged him. "What are we doing here?" I asked him pulling away.

"Always so curious (Y/N)" Niall responded, dodging my question.

He lead me into the building and into the elevator. "You look hot. And I love the new hat." I say staring at him knowing he's up to something. He took off his hat and put it on my head. "You look way hotter, babe" Damn, he's good.

We step off and go up some steps and through a door. The door lead out to the roof of the building. I saw a table set up near the edge. I look at Niall already seeing him staring at me.

"You remembered." I mumbled astonished.

When Niall and I started dating we played 20 questions. The questions were pretty normal until Niall asked me what my ideal romantic date would be, I told him on a roof top in the evening into the night.

"Of course I did." Niall stated taking my hand leading me to the table. We sat down and Liam came with a bottle of wine, I look to my left and see all of the boys dressed in tuxedos. My eyes widened when I looked over at Niall. He was on one knee with a ring in hand.

~1 ½ Year later~

Niall and I just left the wedding reception on our way to our lovely honey moon destination.

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